- executable specification language [计] 可执行的规格说明语言
- executable specification tool(ExSpect) 可执行的规格说明工具
- Can you give me a price list with specification? 你能否给我一份有规格说明的价目单吗?
- Command line options allow you to set properties, execute specific targets, and specify loggers. 命令行选项允许您设置属性,执行特定的目标以及指定记录器。
- Test for specific conditions before starting or committing a transaction, or before executing specific lines of code. 在开始或提交事务之前,或者在执行特定代码行之前测试指定条件。
- Have you got a product of this specification? 不知你们有没有这种规格的?
- Have you get a product of this specification? 不知贵方有没有这种规格的产品?
- All the parts were machined to the specification. 所有部件都按照规格予以加工的。
- The inter-enterprise solution needs to support the definition of business partner profiles delineating preferences, entitlements, contacts, and access or authorization rights for executing specific services by those partners. 企业内的解决方案需要支持业务伙伴概要的定义,业务伙伴概要为通过那些伙伴执行特定的服务描述了参数选择、权限、合同以及访问或授权的权力。
- Go run the executable program in memory. 执行现在在记忆体里的程式。
- FileName is not an executable (. Exe) file. fileName不是可执行(.;exe)文件。
- An executable statement performs an action. 可执行语句执行一项操作。
- How can I find a process executable file? 我怎样找到进程的相应可执行文件?
- In case of need we can offer you some other brand of the same specification. 万一有需要,我们可供应同样规格的其它品牌货品。
- They do not contain any executable code. 它们不包含任何可执行代码。
- Executable module that is used by the subsystem. 子系统所用的可执行模块。
- Edits the selected rule for the executable module. 编辑所选的可执行模块规则。
- Is the name of your main executable file. 是主可执行文件的名称。
- He now had an expertly detailed specification. 现在他有了精细的规格说明。
- Enable to run a customized executable at shut-down. 启用关闭时运行定制的可执行文件。