- It's impossible to detach oneself from reality. 超脱现实是不可能的。
- To excuse oneself before there is occasion is to accuse oneself. 在有必要辩解之前就为自己辩解,其实就是在控告自己。
- It is impossible to detach oneself from reality. 人要想超脱现实是办不到的。
- Excuse oneself easily , that is not tolerant, but a coward . 轻易原谅自己,那不是宽容,而是懦夫。
- One must not divorce oneself from the masses. 不应该脱离群众。
- Is it cowardice to save oneself from persecution? 从迫害中解救自已也叫胆小?
- To excuse oneself before there is occasion is to accuse oneself.To draw blood in full health gives the hint to ill will.An excuse unexpected arouses suspicion from its slumbers. 在有必要辩解之前就为自己辩解,其实就是在控告自己。在完全健康的时候放血,就等于暗示自己有病。一次意料之外的申辩,会唤醒原本沉睡的怀疑。
- to excuse oneself from duty 推辞责任
- excuse oneself from ... 借口推托,婉言拒绝
- Amuse oneself from happy of three little Arab friends. 自娱自乐的三小阿朋友。
- excuse oneself fromv. 婉拒;借口推托
- To move oneself from one location or job to another. 调动使自己调换地方工作。
- Constantly protecting oneself from criticism, exposure of one's shortcomings, or other real or perceived threats to the ego. 自我保护的,自卫的不断地保护自己,使自我不受批评,不暴露自己的短处或不受其它真的或可察觉的事威胁自我的
- Interestingly,there are several reasons why it is so important to distance oneself from the rest. 有意思的是,一定要拉开和其他人的距离,背后有很多原因。
- Derive happiness in oneself from a good day's work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us. 从一天的工作中获得快乐,从照亮笼罩我们的浓雾中获得快乐。
- Interestingly, there are several reasons why it is so important to distance oneself from the rest. 有趣的是,一定要拉开和其他人的距离,背后有很多原因。
- "Go down oneself from cliff upcast, fall on the ground before, I learned to fly. “把自己从悬崖上抛下去,摔到地上前,我学会了飞翔。”
- excuse oneself for one's misbehavior 为自己的错误行为辩护
- Vary ways of workout to release oneself from stress intrinsically and extrinsically. 以瑜珈和放松技巧为主,强调身心的开发与协调。
- Excuse me, are you Mr. Pierre from Paris? 请问,哪一位是从巴黎来的皮埃尔先生?