- An airplane engine is a complex mechanism. 飞机引擎是种复杂的机械装置。
- All harmonies are latent in the complex mechanism of an organ, but a master's hand is necessary to evoke them. 所有的和声都潜伏在风琴的复杂结构中,但必须有能手才能把它们都演奏出来。
- But due to the complex mechanism of the earthquake-induced landslide, it s difficult to describe the relationship clearly. 地震滑坡是一种有着严重危害的次生地震灾害形式,形成机制复杂,涉及因素较多。
- This complex mechanism of wave amplification and reflection was a plausible hypothesis, but the equations were too complex to solve exactly except with severe approximations. 这个扩大与反射波动的复杂机制是个可能的假说,但其方程式实在太过复杂,除非使用许多严密的近似,否则很难精确解出。
- Left ventricular remodeling is an independence dangerous factor of the cardiovascular events who has a complex mechanism which including constructional and functional remodeling. 高血压左心室重构是心脏事件重要的独立危险因素,其发生机制复杂,包括结构重构和功能重构。
- This paper also discusses such problems of this complex mechanism as motion characteristic analysis, kinematics solution, motion planning, and validation experiments. 本文还对该复杂机构进行了运动特性分析、运动学求解、运动规划和实验验证。
- Secretion is regulated either by regulators in a gland that detect high or low levels of a chemical and inhibit or stimulate secretion or by a complex mechanism involving the hypothalamus and the pituitary. 分泌不仅由腺体的调节素来调节(侦测一种化学物质的高或低的水准,而抑制或刺激分泌),还由一种复杂的结构来调节(包含下视丘和脑下垂体)。
- The relationships of expression in these genes were complicated and it suggested that there was a complex mechanism of gene regulation in GCT because of the effects of these genes in normal cell. 基因表达间的关系复杂,山于这些基因在正常细胞中相互影响,提示肿瘤中这些基固也存在复杂的调控机制。 p53基因与bak基因的表达关系密切,在骨巨细胞瘤中可能存在p53基因对bak基因表达的上调作用。
- Sepsis can develop into severe sepsis or even septic shock, and a complex mechanism is involved, including the reaction of the host to infection and the barrier of oxygen transport and utilization. 脓毒症(sepsis)可发展成严重脓毒症(severe sepsis)甚至脓毒性休克(septic shock),其发展转归有众多复杂的机制参与,包括宿主对感染的反应以及氧的传输和利用障碍等。
- Based on innovation ideas of mechanism combination, a study of atomization method was carried out upon the scheme design of complex mechanical system. 摘要基于机构组合创新思想进行复杂机械系统方案设计的自动化方法研究。
- Because biochemical engineering is based on the biosystem, which has a very complex mechanism, it brings about relative high requirements on modeling, solving and optimizing models theoretically. 由于生物化学工程基于机理十分复杂的生物体系,因而在理论建模、模型求解和优化上必然导致对数学的要求较高。
- It expatiates mechanism of removing lead: complex mechanism and antagonistic mechanism by introducing the harm of lead to clay's blood system, digestive system, nerve system and etc. 该文通过介绍铅对人体血液系统、消化系统、神经系统、肾脏等危害,阐述排铅机制:络合机制、拮抗机制;
- Perhaps his nerve is naturally too dull to admit of any excitation. 大概他的神经天生就很迟钝以至不容有任何刺激的余地。
- Geometric vector method based on triangular vector loop is proposed for position analysis of planar complex mechanisms. 摘要针对平面复杂机构位置分析,提出基于三角矢量回路的几何向量法。
- The FMEA method and the analysis results in this paper can be popularized to any complex mechanical system. 分析方法及其结果可为大型复杂机械系统的FMEA提供参考。
- Such complex mechanisms could explain all of the observations of ageing and semelparous behaviors. 这种复杂的机制可以解释老化或终生一胎行为的所有观察资料。
- When we think about complex mechanical devices, we take for granted that they have been carefully designed for use, in addition to being engineered. 当我们想起那些复杂的机械设备时,我们都理所应当地认为,它们不仅仅是被精心地制造了出来,而且还为满足用户的使用而经过了精心的设计。
- It involves in many complex mechanisms such as the ultra-structure of synapse of special brain areas, neurotransmitter, enzymology, and so on. 涉及特定脑区突触超微结构变化、神经递质、酶学等多种复杂的机制,并且相互之间有密切的联系。
- The analysis can take a complex mechanical system analogous to a circuitry that we well-known, which can simplify the problems. 它能够把一个较复杂的机械系统类比为我们熟知的电路系统来进行分析,从而使问题的分析得到简化。
- The net result of these diverse and complex mechanisms is the continuous spawning of novel virions and divergent quasispecies. 臭氧不但拥有全面的杀病毒特性,还带有作为气体的优点,让它能深入难及的地方。