- But at least we should not just assume that exchange rate adjustments are the panacea. 不过,我们至少不应假设调整汇率是解决问题的万应灵丹。
- The global external imbalance is unlikely to be resolved by exchange rate adjustments. 调整汇率未必能解决国际贸易不平衡的问题。
- Hong Kong is further determined and is very well prepared to bear the pain of adjustments, including interest rate adjustments, under the linked exchange rate system. 同时,香港有决心亦充分准备承受在联系汇率制度下经济调整,包括利率调整带来的痛楚。
- Our intentions are, nevertheless, crystal clear: to preserve exchange rate stability implied by the Linked Exchange Rate System and to promote smooth interest rate adjustments implied by that system. 总而言之,我们的目的非常清晰,就是在联系汇率制度下维持汇率稳定,并促进该制度下的利率调节机制畅顺运作。
- Capital market exchange rate adjustment and financial development II. 资本市场、汇率调整与金融发展2。
- We do not intend to compete internationally on the basis of exchange rate adjustment. 我们无意利用汇率的调整,在国际市场上竞争。
- Exchange rate adjustment accompanied by tighter monetary and fiscal policies restored stability. 调整汇率,辅之以紧缩的货币和财政政策,恢复了稳定。
- Under the currency board system,Hong Kong dollar exchange rate stability is maintained through an interest rate adjustment mechanism. 在货币发行局制度下,港元汇率通过利率调节机制得以维持稳定。
- An exchange rate adjustment not only stabilizes the current account but also will increase the share of export in domestic output. 例如调整汇率不仅可使经常帐户稳定,还能提高国内产品的出口比例。
- Under the currency board system, Hong Kong dollar exchange rate stability is maintained through an interest rate adjustment mechanism. 在货币发行局制度下,港元汇率通过利率调节机制得以维持稳定。
- Should China Adjust RMB Exchange Rate? 中国需要调整人民币汇率吗?
- China reportedly has 70% of the world's tolled roads and its tolls are the highest in the world (using exchange rates adjusted according to currencies' purchasing power). 据报道,全世界收费公路有70%25在中国,而中国的公路收费当然也是世界最高的(以根据货币购买力调整的汇率计算)。
- The exchange rate today be250 Japanese yen to the pound. 今天的兑换率是1英镑换250日元。
- All sector of the economy suffer from the fall in the exchange rate. 所有经济部门都遭受到这次汇率下跌带来的损失。
- It seems the exchange rate fluctuates almost daily. 外汇兑换率似乎每天都在上下波动。
- The exchange rate of the pound moved up sharply. 英镑的兑换率急剧上升。
- The fall in the exchange rate is slowing down. 汇率下跌的速度在放慢。
- What's your exchange rate for RMB notes today? 你们今天人民币现钞的售价是多少?
- The company was precipitated into ruin when the exchange rate dropped. 汇率下降时,公司一下子破了产。
- Would you please tell me the exchange rate today? 请你告诉我今天的外汇兑换率好吗?