- excessively long lip 唇过长
- Haulage distances are not excessively long. 拖运距离并不十分远。
- In either of these cases, an excessively long route exists. 在这些案例中的任一个,存在相当长路由。
- If excessively long post titles break your layout, you may want to use this. 如果过长的文章标题破坏了你的布局,你可能想试试这个。"
- Objective To investigate a new techniques for long lip repair of the secondary deformities of the cleft lip. 目的:探讨一种新的治疗单侧唇裂继发畸形中上唇过长的手术方法。
- Excessively long fall distances are required for drops of raindrop size to attain terminal velocity. 雨滴为了得到足够的末速度必须下降很长距离。
- Conclusion This method is reasonable and reliable, and is a good choice for the long lip rep... 结论:本手术治疗方法设计合理,效果较可靠,对于单侧唇裂继发畸形上唇过长是一种较好的术式。
- For instance the anthology is excessively long the suspicion which will have inevitably makes up the number windingly. 比如剧集过长势必有曲折凑数的嫌疑。
- Second, the reaction time required to prepare aldimine (+)- 24 was excessively long. 其二;反应时间准备瑞利(+)-24太长.
- People have jeopardized their health and worked excessively long hours without pay because of their loyalty to their task and/or the organization. 因为对于他们的工作任务或是组织的忠诚,人们已经危及他们的健康和过份长时数的无薪工作。
- More than 600 million people worldwide work excessively long hours - and Britons are the worst offenders among rich nations. 全世界有600多万人超时工作,而英国人的工作时间则位居各发达国家之首。
- Excessively long stroke impels few increase in pump efficiency and will effect the fatigue life of the whole pumping system. 而冲程过大时泵效提高的幅度不大,反而影响整个抽油机系统的疲劳寿命。
- An excessively long, roached or swayed back must be penalized.The hips are broad with hip sockets wide apart and fall slightly toward the tail in a graceful curve. 一个平顺、协调的德国短毛指示犬比一个优点和缺陷同样突出的德国短毛指示犬要理想的多。
- The excessively thick facial cream the resident time is excessively long on the skin, is not clean falls, instead will stop up the wool manhole, will not favor skin's health. 过厚的面霜在皮肤上停留时间过长,不清洁掉,反而会堵塞住毛孔口,不利于皮肤的健康。
- Expert analysis: Lucky person floor Shenyang area General Manager Li Chengjia told the reporters, is excessively long, the wide wood floor seems is appears very lordly. 专家分析:福人地板沈阳区总经理李成佳告诉记者,过长、过宽的木地板看上去是显得很气派。
- Referee Michael Ortega appeared to give Taylor the benefit of an excessively long count but it was blatantly apparent that he was not coming back from queer street. 裁判奥特加似乎给了泰勒超长度的读秒时间,但泰勒显然无法走出困境。
- Disease picks out the situation is: The reproductive system illness accounts for 6.47%, is excessively long including the masculine wrapper, foreskin, feminine vulva vaginitis, tumor ovarii and so on. 疾病检出的情况为:生殖系统疾患占6.;47%25,包括男性包皮过长,包茎,女性外阴阴道炎,卵巢肿瘤等。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。