- Use caution during pregnancy or excessive bleeding during menses. 怀孕或月经过多者小心应有。
- Unfortunately, Bello later died of complications from excessive bleeding. 不幸的是,6胞胎的母亲后来因大出血引发并发症死亡。
- Large doses can cause trouble, including excessive bleeding and nervous system problems. 是对这句话的最好诠释。其他答案都曲解了这句话或者断章取义。
- Signs include spontaneous bleeding and excessive bleeding following surgery, injury, or during an estrous cycle. 症状包括自发性出血和术后、受伤、发情期间的失血过多。
- It is often only when excessive bleeding occurs after an operation or in childbirth that a diagnosis is finally made. 这种情况常常只有在手术后或生产时过量流血才终于被诊断出来。
- More heat because of a long illness or injury-fine blood loss, or excessive bleeding, or sweat, vomit, after the injuries caused by Fluid. 多因内热津伤或久病精血内亏,或失血过多,或汗,吐,下后伤津液所致。
- Results:There was a significant difference between student group and staff group in the incidence of excessive bleeding and trismus.The incidence of stud... 结果:学员组患者的拔牙创异常出血和张口受限并发症明显高于医生组,但在干槽症的发病率上两组之间无显著差异。
- Being used in impotence, spermatorrhea, weak and cold loin and knees, tuberculosis with emaciation, excessive bleeding not during menses, blood in stool, blood in urine, gangrene with pain. 用于阳痿、滑精、腰膝酸冷、虚劳羸瘦、崩漏下血、便血、尿血、阴疽肿痛。
- The boss tried to bleed his employees for every penny they had. 老板力图从雇工们身上榨取出每一分钱。
- The researchers noted that the drug combination would likely be well tolerated because it did not cause excessive bleeding in the mice, as might be expected from platelet inhibitors. 研究者们发现这两种药物的联合应用的耐受性是很好的,在实验动物中并没有出血这种血小板抑制剂常见的副反应的发生。
- In cases of excessive bleeding, that side is packed off with 1:10,000 Adrenalin solution on the neurosurgical cottonoid.Dissection can usually proceed after a suitable waiting period. 如果出血过多,可以在鼻腔内使用1:10,000肾上腺素棉片,一般等待片刻后即可继续手术。
- In the case of Trasylol, which works by blocking enzymes that dissolve blood clots, the agency assumed that any drug that reduced excessive bleeding during heart surgery would benefit patients. 特雷西洛通过抑制溶血凝块酶的活性减少出血,FDA仅据此就认为,象特雷西洛这样的药物,只要能减少过多出血,对实施心脏外科手术的病人都是有利的。
- Excessive patriotism can lead to xenophobia. 爱国主义过了头即可导致仇视一切外国人。
- Never spend in excess of your income. 花钱切不可超过自己的收入。
- All the young soldiers are ready to bleed for the country. 所有的年轻战士都愿意为祖国洒热血。
- Don't carry your anger to excess. 不要肝火过盛。
- It makes the heart bleed to hear the violent death of this famous actor. 听到这位著名演员暴死的消息,令人悲痛万分。
- Our hearts bleed for homeless people during this cold winter. 我们的心为在这严冬中无家可归的人悲伤。
- Excessive rainfall had made the harvest impossible. 雨量过多,丰收已经不可能了。
- Excessive sexual desire in a female. 女性色情狂女性过多的性欲