- Removal of excess heat is accomplished by means of a radiator. 通过散热器完成多余热量的排出。
- With controlled pace and sequence of construction, excess heat disperses. 在对施工进度和程序加以控制之后,多余的热量就能散掉。
- Basement boilers produce the steam, and holes in the dome release excess heat. 地下室的锅炉产生蒸汽,然后通过圆屋顶的孔释放多余的热量。
- Cooling coils are introduced into the regenerator to control the temperature and remove the excess heat. 在再生器中放进冷却盘管能控制温度,也能除去过多的热量。
- A failure in a device attributable to burning, excessive heat, or friction. 烧毁,烧坏由于燃烧、超高热或摩擦引起的设备故障
- Excess heat from the combustion chamber is also a problem, often leaking to other components of the engine. 另外,燃烧室排出的过量热气经常泄漏到发动机的其他零件中,这也是一个问题。
- Once their bodies warm up, they open their mouths in a gape to dissipate excess heat from the tongue. 一旦身体暖和了,便又张开嘴用舌头散发多余的热量。
- Therefore, to produce a measurable, reliable and repeatable “excess heat” will not always spend a long time. 结果表明,在沸点附近通过电解重水产生可测、可靠和可重复的"过热"现象不一定需要很长时间。
- The comparison of the calorimetric behavior of H/Pd and D/Pd systems shows that there is “excess heat” in the D/Pd system. 比较氢-钯和氘-钯系统的量热行为,可以判断在氘-钯系统中存在着异常发热现象。
- If the excess heat is to be attributed to fusion, such a claim should be supported by measurements of fusion products at commensurate levels. 如果“过热”归因于聚变,那就必须测到相对应数量的核产物。
- And when your temperature finally begins to return to normal, you may sweat profusely, which is your body's way of dissipating the excess heat. 在你的体温最后开始达到正常的时候,你也许会大量地出汗,这是你的身体释放高温产生热量的方式。
- In the event a cylinder is exposed to fire or other sources of excess heat, the fusible plug is designed to melt and release the cylinder contents. 在钢瓶暴露于火或其它的过热源的情况下,易熔塞熔化,钢瓶释放出内容物。
- YScan transformers for excessive heat and hot spots. 扫描变压器,检查不正常的发热和热点。
- But the ULV processor is not expected to generate excessive heat. 但是ULV(超低电压)的处理器,预期应该不会产生过度的热量。
- Women run about half a degree higher after ovulation. With menopause the female thermostat imagining excess heat where none exists, generating unnecessary sweat. 女性排卵后,体温约升高半度。停经后,女性的温度调节器会想像体内藏著其实并不存在的多馀热量,于是产生不必要的汗。
- Avoid excessive heating of cast fittings. 铸造管件要避免加热过度。
- If that idea is correct, it could explain why caloric restriction has been shown to increase production of substances that protect cells from excess heat and other stresses. 这个想法如果正确,就可以解释为什麽限食会增加某些化学物质的产生,以保护细胞免受过热或其他压力的危害。
- The glass enclosure, with a direct view of the Acropolis above, is designed to protect against excess heat and provide ideal light for sculpture viewing. 透过这个玻璃围栏可以直接看到雅典卫城的上部,同时玻璃可以有效隔离过度的热量并为观赏雕塑品提供理想的光线。
- Heat exhaustion (or heat prostration): Response of the body to excessive heat. 热衰竭:身体对过热的反应。
- Forecasters issued an excessive heat warning for parts of Washington State. 气象预报员发布华盛顿州部分地区超高温警报。