- Behaviorally, clients exercise less control both ex ante and ex post in relationships in which the outsourced task requires a high degree of creativity on the part of the supplier. 行为上,在这种对供应商有很高的创新性要求的外包任务中,客户很少实施事前和事后控制。
- Compared with ex post licensing. ex ante licensing can improve social welfare under the framework of antitrust law. 与事后许可相比,事前许可能在反拉斯法的框架下导致社会褔利的帕累托改进。
- Firm's investment is assumed to be ex ante but transaction is ex post contractible.Lack of control of transaction affects firm's investment activity. 摘要 企业投资决策是事前行为,而交易分配事后才能明确,当企业无法控制交易分配时,其投资积极性会受影响。
- While economists designing plans may worry about ex ante welfare costs, public or private plan administrators may also worry about ex post regret - the after-the-fact costs of a decision. 经济学家在制订退休金计划时,事先福利成本是个难以解决的问题。而对公众或私人计划的管理人来说,他们所要操心的还有后悔成本,即在知道结果后的成本。
- In contrast, evidence of unsuccessful actions or major failures may provide ex post negative assurance and indicative a lack of sufficient and true knowledge and understanding ex ante. 相反地,与不成功的行动或重大失败相关之证据则可以提供事后的消极保证,它能指出我们缺乏哪些知识,并了解事发当时的情况。
- Amnesties do encourage violation of tax and other laws, and ex ante are undesirable. 推行赦免政策会鼓励违反税法及其它破坏法律的行为,而且事先就预期到赦免让人难以接受。
- More Ex ante Supervision Instead of Ex post Administration 变事后监管为事前监管
- No one can alter the fact, ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- (ii) ex ante licensing can occur even when it reduces the collective profits of the licenser and the licensee ex post; 即使在降低双方的集体利润的情况下事前的特许经营也可以产生;
- A dove heard the ant and flew over to help. 一只鸽子听到蚂蚁的呼救声就飞过去救它。
- The ex ante perspective is forward looking. “事先”视角乃是向前看的。
- This ant and that ant bumped their heads. 这只蚂蚁和那只蚂蚁撞了头。
- ex post analysis 事后分析
- No one can alter the fact,ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- Some older cards also use the ante and phased-out zones. 有些较旧版本的牌会使用赌注区跃离区。
- Preserve managers'bargaining power ex post. 根据过去发展情况,保持经理层的谈判力。
- Ex post bargaining power may be limited. 事后谈判力可能受到限制。
- Essential oil eliminates mosquito, flea ant and mite repellant. 纯植物精油可以驱逐蚊子,跳蚤,蚂蚁,螨虫等。
- The ex post perspective is backward looking. “事后”的视角乃是向后看的。
- Not knowing what to do in prison he caught an ant and trained it. 蹲在监狱里不知道干些什么,他便抓了一只蚂蚁,并且训练它。