- The idea of evolutionary algorithms is not new. 进化算法这个观点并不是新提出。
- ACOA is asimulated evolutionary algorithm of simulating to seek food of ants in nature. 蚁群优化算法就是对自然界中蚂蚁的寻食过程进行模拟而得出的一种模拟进化算法。
- This paper propose an entropy-based Pareto evolutionary algorithm (EPEA) for multi-objective optimization . 提出了一种求解多目标优化问题的基于相对熵的Pareto解演化算法 ,首先分析了多目标优化中各目标间的补偿模式和非补偿模式 ,以及它们对应的Pareto解演化算法和经典加权求和算法。
- Abstract: A novel and fast evolutionary algorithm (NFEA) for function optimization problems is proposed. 摘要: 提出一种新的求解函数优化的快速演化算法;
- Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) is especially suitable to solve multi-objective optimization problems. 摘要多目标进化算法在求解多目标优化问题方面具有独特的优势。
- Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO for short) is a evolutionary algorithm with simple operations and few parameters. 粒子群优化算法(PSO)是一种进化算法,操作简单,参数少。
- The ant colony algorithm is a new bionic simulated evolutionary algorithm developed in recent years. 摘要蚁群算法是近年来出现的一种新的仿生优化算法。
- Furthermore, based on evolutionary algorithm enumerating all the potential solutions is avoided. 并且通过引入进化算法的思想,避免了解空间的穷举。
- The dissertation presents an improved evolutionary algorithm for the distribution network reconfiguration. 本文给出一种改进进化算法,对配电网进行重构。
- A multiobjective shortest path evolutionary algorithm is presented for acyclic directed graph. 提出一种无圈有向图条件下的多目标最短路径进化算法。
- This paper makes a simple introduction of evolutionary algorithm, explains what is TSP problem and its application. 摘要介绍了遗传算法的基本思想、TSP问题及其应用。
- A new computation model of the evolutionary algorithm applied with grid technology was proposed. 摘要提出了一种将网格技术应用于进化算法的计算模式。
- Particle Swarm Optimization was firstly proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995, and it is an evolutionary algorithm based on iterations. 粒子群优化算(Particle Swarm Optimization,简称PSO)首先由Kennedy和Eberhart于1995年提出,是一种基于迭代的进化计算的算法。
- It transforms the inverse problem of parameter identification into solution of optimization problem using evolutionary algorithm. 该方法把参数识别反问题转化为优化问题用演化方法求解。
- Ant colony system is a novel simulated evolutionary algorithm,which provides a new method for complicated combinatorial optimization problems. 蚁群算法是一种新型的模拟进化算法,为求解复杂的组合优化问题提供了一种新的思路。
- SFLA is a new recta-heuristic population evolutionary algorithm and it has fast calculation speed and excellent global search capability. SFLA是一种全新的后启发式群体进化算法,具有高效的计算性能和优良的全局搜索能力。
- Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) is a new powerful tool for Multi-objective optimization.It is being rapidly developed in recent years. 多目标遗传算法是近年来针对多目标优化问题发展起来的一种新的优化算法。
- Ant colony optimization(ACO) is a new kind of simulated evolutionary algorithm,and it has many good features,but it is easy to fall in local peak. 蚁群算法是一种新型的模拟进化算法,研究表明此算法具有一些优良性质,但是蚁群算法容易陷入局部最优。
- Gene expression programming (GEP) is a new adaptive evolutionary algorithm, which has been used in many fields and has good performances. 摘要基因表达式程序设计是一种新的自适应演化算法,该算法已经应用到许多领域中,并且取得了良好的效果。
- Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm(MOEA) is a method that can optimize multiple objectives effectively and parellelly. 多目标遗传算法是一种能够同时高效、并行地优化多个目标函数的优化算法。