- DDC is already in " In every state . “我认为一起进展顺利。
- Every state is different, their sociation . 每个州的情况都不相同。
- Every state legislature, except Nebraska's, has two chambers. 除了内布拉斯加州,各州立法机构都有两院组成。
- Value, as in Listings 3 and 4, the default applies to every state. 如清单3和4所示,那么每种状态都使用默认值。
- The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government. 美利坚合众国保证合众国各州实行共和政体。
- Every state has to have a Head, and Britain has the Queen. 每一个国家都必须有一个领袖,英国的领袖就是女王。
- Nude beaches are also legal in every state except Queensland. 除昆士兰州外,裸体浴场也都合法。
- Officials from every state in Greece move to his temple in a great procession. 来自希腊各城市国家的官吏,浩浩荡荡地前往宙斯神庙。
- For every trading ship and every stately vessel. 又临到他施的船只并一切可爱的美物。
- Tag with no attributes encompasses every state, which is what you need here. 标签可以包含任何状态,这个标签正是您在这里所需要的。
- But by 1914 every state but one had established a minimum age limit. 但是到1914年,除一州外,每个州都规定了最低年龄限度。
- At the heart of every state machine lies an implementation of double dispatch. 在每个状态机的核心都有一个双重分派的实现。
- It was successful as by 1911 and Mother's Day was celebrated in almost every state. 到1911年终于成功了,从此,全国都在这一天庆祝母亲节。
- Other agricultural societies were patterned, after the Philadelphia society and in the 1800's spread to every state. 其它农业协会都是按照费城农业协会的模式组织的,到十九世纪初期,已遍及每一个州。
- Every state in the USA has different rules and regulations on what and when to recycle. 美国的每个州对回收再利用的物品和时间都制定了不同的规章和条例。
- He had, after all, carried every state in the United States except one. 他毕竟赢得了美国除一个州之外的每一个州。
- In every state of stress there exist at least three principal planes, which are mutually perpendicular. 对每一种应力状态,至少存在三个主平面,它们互相垂直。
- Every state, every city in the country, is pressuring Washington, demanding a share. 国内每一个州、每一座城市都在向华盛顿施加压力,都要求分到一份。
- Every state has a legislature with two chambers, except Nebraska, which has only one. 各州立法机构都包括两院,除了内布拉斯加州只有一个院。
- They found similar results in every state, new schools are less likely to be named after people. 并发现每个州都是相似的情况,新学校很少用人名来命名。