- every part d human body 人体各部分
- A society, state or company is just like a human body in which every part has its specific function.A healthy society will be built only when everyone serves each other and cooperates. 一个社会、一个国家、一个公司就像人体一样,各部分都有它特定的功能,只有相互服务,彼此协调,才能够成长为一个健康协调的身体。
- The experts are exploring every part of the island. 专家们正在勘查这个岛的各个部分。
- Your DNA is in every part of your body. 你的dna存在于身体的各个部分。
- Do every rise human body how much is the normal content of haemal vitamin D? 人体每升血液维生素D的正常含量是多少?
- Every Part of Your Body can Speak! 身体的每个部分都会说话!
- The middle part of the human body; the waist. 身体的中部;腰部
- Liver is an organic part of human body. 肝脏是人体一个有机的组成部分。
- Love every part and every corner of your body. 热爱你身体的每一个部位,每一个角落。
- The human body is a very complicated organization. 人体是一个非常复杂的有机体。
- Peace-loving people dream of peace in every part of the world. 爱好和平的人们希望世界各地都平安。
- There are many aqueducts in the human body. 人的身上有许多导管。
- I thk almost 50k for every part of body. 有间online hospital,我忘了多少钱,在泰国的!
- Mucus works in almost every part of your body. 粘液在人体里的分布几乎无所不在。
- Stature, especially of the human body. 身高身长,尤指人类身体
- Have you duly signed the declaration in Part D of this Form? 阁下是否已签署本表格之D部的申请者声明?
- The arms and legs are integral parts of a human body. 臂和腿是人体不可缺少的部分。
- But that gene is found in cells in every part of the body. 但那个脆弱的基因在人体细胞里无处不在。
- How many acupuncture points are there in the human body? 人体有多少穴位?
- He acted every part of an orator. 他表现十足了的演说家的气派。