- eventbased middleware 基于事件的中间件
- The client uses the middleware to call the service. 客户机通过中间件调用服务。
- It might not need to be aware of grid middleware. 可能不需要知道网格中间件的存在。
- An open source platform for XML middleware. 它是XML中间件的开放源码平台。
- It can take advantage of the grid middleware. 可以利用网格中间件的优势。
- Such messaging is sometimes called message-oriented middleware. 这种消息传递有时称作面向消息的中间件。
- The client uses the grid middleware to invoke the service. 客户机使用网格中间件调用服务。
- Each core model will be independent of any middleware platform. 每个核心模型都独立于任何中间件平台。
- The middleware might choose some other node for the next run. 下次运行的时候,中间件可以选择某个其他的节点。
- With OIS' communications middleware, this is no longer the case. 结合OIS公司的通信中间件,这就不再是一个问题。
- The answer is to trust today's middleware and design for the future. 答案是相信今天的中间件并为将来设计。
- Over the past decade or so, the middleware landscape has continually shifted. 过去的十年左右,中间件领域不断变化。
- As before, you must avoid middleware hotspots, such as database hotspots. 像前面一样,您必须避免出现中间件热点,比如数据库热点。
- GSM defines these as middleware components in a grid storage architecture. GSM将它们定义为网格存储体系结构中的中间件组件。
- Avoid using grid middleware in the server side application whenever possible. 只要有可能,就应该避免在服务器端的应用程序中使用网格中间件。
- The ERwin Model is middleware between OODM and RDM (the Relation Data Model). ? 本文主要讨论对象模型到ERwin模型的转换算法。
- The core module of Middleware in STB is mainly discussed in this paper. 重点讨论了数字机顶盒中间件的核心系统模块。
- This middleware system is applied to a national large engineering project. 该系统已在一项国家大型工程中得到应用。
- XSTR system could work as middleware component in XML stream applications. XSTR 系统可以被作为中间件应用于针对 XML 数据流进行处理的应用系统中。
- The key selling point for such middleware is that it frees an application developer from all aspects of physical distribution. 这种中间件的关键卖点是,它使应用程序开发人员从物理分布的方方面面中解脱出来。