- It also lets you report on only the event IDs or event sources you specify. 它还允许您仅报告指定的事件ID或事件源。
- Gets the key for submitting the event source. 获取提交事件源的键。
- Adds an event source to the code item. 将事件源添加到代码项中。
- A programmatic name of the event source. 事件源的编程名称。
- It is supposed to tell the engine to unhook event sources from event handlers; however, it was not implemented. 类似,它应该通知引擎从事件处理程序对事件源解除挂钩;但并未实现。
- Even if you recreate the log at a later point, you will not be able to register the event sources again. 即使稍后重新创建该日志,也无法再次注册事件源。
- Another way that listeners can make trouble for unwary event sources is throwing an unchecked exception. 对于不小心的事件源,侦听器会造成麻烦的另一个方式是:抛出未检测的异常。
- The programmatic name of the event source to be removed. 要移除的事件源的编程名称。
- Class with a specified event source and event log name. 使用指定的事件源和事件日志名称对。
- Exception string: The specified event source not found. 异常字符串:未找到指定的事件源。
- Many event sources provide additional data for the event, and many event handlers use the event-specific data in processing the event. 许多事件源提供有关事件的其他数据,且许多事件处理程序在处理事件时使用事件特定的数据。
- If the standard event providers do not meet the needs of your application, you can develop custom event providers that are tailored to your environment and event sources. 如果标准事件提供程序不满足您应用程序的需要,则您可以开发满足您环境和事件源的自定义事件提供程序。
- If the standard event providers do not meet the needs of your application, you can develop event providers that are customized to your environment and event sources. 如果标准事件提供程序不符合应用程序的要求,则可开发自定义事件提供程序,以适应具体的环境和事件源。
- Gets or sets the name of the computer on which to register the event source. 获取或设置在其上注册事件源的计算机的名称。
- Gets or sets the name to register with the event log as an event source. 获取或设置要在事件日志中注册为事件源的名称。
- How do I enable my ASP.NET application to write to new event source? 如何把ASP.;NET程序的事件日志写入自定义的事件源?
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- The database user should have restricted permissions that allow the user to only select data from event sources and to execute only user-defined functions that are used by conditions. 数据库用户应具备受限权限,使用户只能从事件源中选择数据以及只能执行条件所使用的用户定义函数。
- If the operating system has not refreshed its list of event sources and you attempt to write an event with the new source, the write operation will fail. 如果操作系统未刷新其事件源列表,而您试图用新的事件源来编写事件,则写操作将失败。
- Any object capable of raising an event is an event sender, also known as an event source. 任何能引发事件的对象都是事件发送方,也称“事件源”。