- Even high quality issuers such as US municipals are trading at a record spread. 即便是如美国地方政府发行的这样高质量债券的利差也创纪录新高。
- Prices are expected to rise even higher this year. 预计今年的价格将涨得更高。
- He plans to fan the flames of war even higher. 他想要将战争的火焰扇得更旺。
- It was even higher at Lincoln: 55 percent. 林肯小学的比率更高: 55%25。
- That forced implied volatility even higher. 这会迫使隐含流动性升得更高。
- The next tide would be even higher than the last. 下一次的潮水要比上一次的还高。
- He raised his voice to an even higher pitch. 他的声音提得更高了。
- Even high end APOs have this condition most of the time but to what degree and over or under makes a big difference. 甚至是高端的apo,大多数情况下也存在这样的问题,只是程度不同而已。
- We need frequencies even higher than those we call very high frequency. 我们所需要的频率甚至比我们称之为甚高频的频率还要高。
- Confidence in Hong Kong since the transition has been even higher. 在过渡之后,信心更大为提升。
- Such days are considered “good ascension days” in which one feels good or even “high” in the dance of life. 这样的日子被认为是“良好的提升日子”,那时候在生命之舞中你感觉舒适甚至“兴奋”。
- Newman pay than counterparts abroad, some even higher. 纽曼的薪酬比国外一些同行还要高。
- This number is even higher if you consider an infantry unit. 如果你考虑步兵单位的话,这个数字可能会更高。
- Stocks of small firms offered an even higher premium. 小企业股票提供了一个更高的溢价。
- Even high resistance paths between low current conductors and nearby voltage sources can generate significant leakage currents. 即使小电流导体和附件电压源之间的高阻通路也会产生明显的漏流。
- It penetrates even high grade concrete effectively,prevents water and Chloride ingress and leaves no visible residues on the surface. 与混凝土表面接触时间长,保证了在高等级混凝土中的渗透深度,而且在其表面不会残留任何痕迹。
- But studies of actual driving show that even high doses of marijuana have less impact than alcohol,perhaps because smoking it doesn't usually make people so reckless. 但是对实际驾驶的研究显示,即使大剂量地服用大麻,造成的影响也不如酒精,原因可能在于吸服大麻通常不致使人养撞胡为。
- I'm not even sure if be went to college or even high school, but be had an intelligence that was brilliant in a raw, primitive, almost mystical fashion. 我连他上过大学没有,甚至上过中学没有也不清楚。 但是他有一种质朴的,原始的,几乎是神秘的聪明智慧。
- But studies of actual driving show that even high doses of marijuana have less impact than alcohol, perhaps because smoking it doesn't usually make people so reckless. 但是对实际驾驶的研究显示,即使大剂量地服用大麻,造成的影响也不如酒精,原因可能在于吸服大麻通常不致使人养撞胡为。
- Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening. 可惜的是他明晚不在这儿。