- evalution funtion 评价函数
- The funtion of MAC module is media access control and encryption. 媒体控制模块提供媒体访问控制和加密机制。
- The dog is being held at the Niagara County SPCA for evalution. 狗被关在县的防止虐畜会静待观察 。
- The results of fluorescence evalution of cutinite and suberinite show th... 煤中角质体和木栓质体的光性演化表明其对本区煤成油有一定的贡献。
- Conclusions:The results showed that CHD cause the changes in brain funtion. 结论:冠心病患者存在脑功能异常改变。
- It can download source code of download-software in the whole station, to complete the basic funtion. 一个可以下载全站站点的下载软件源码,完成最简单的功能
- Comprehensive Evalution Method and System Exploration of Underground water Resources II. 地下水资源系统勘查技术与综合评价方法2。
- Analysis and Evalution of Nutritional Components in Fruits of Polygonum viviparum L. 珠芽蓼果实营养成分分析。
- Objective To study the offeet of astyagalus membranaceus Injection on cardiac funtion in treating in viral myocarditis. 目的探讨黄芪治疗病毒性心肌炎对心脏功能的影响。
- The evalution of genetic resource of three northwest chicken populations was analyzed by using microsatellite marker on 4 loci. 摘要利用4个微卫星标记对西北地区的固原鸡、固原红鸡和略阳乌鸡群体进行遗传变异分析。
- Thanks to its self-cleaning funtion, the sea is able to maintain its ecological balance. 大海具有自净作用,可以维持生态平衡。
- Efron DT,Barbul AB.Arginine and immunonutrition are evalution[J].Nutrition,2000,16(1):73. 朱赓伯;张丽娅.;氨基酸在临床上的作用[J]
- Conclusion AF can postpone the withering of thymus,strengthen the immunity funtion and delay senility. 结论黄芪黄铜可以延缓衰老过程中小鼠胸腺的萎缩,提高机体的免疫功能,从而具有抗衰老的作用。
- This method is able to be introduced to safty risk evalution of IS.It indicates that it is of great prac... 将其应用于实际的信息系统安全风险评估中,表明这种方法具有重要的实用性和应用前景。
- The most evalution from outside for me is introvert, shy, and politely since I was yong. 从小到大听的最多的对我的评价就是内向,害羞,斯文。
- So we improve greatly the efficiency of the computer application in the appositional funtion, and realize more conveniency, shortcut and impersonate operation style. 从而大大提高了计算机应用的并行运行的效率,实现了更方便快捷又有人格化的操作风格。
- TieGuanYin has the funtion of controlling the malign tumour. Drinking TieGuanYin can obviously restrain the growth of the tumour cell. 铁观音有抑制恶性肿瘤的作用,饮铁观音能明显地抑制癌细胞的生长。
- For sows maintained on pasture, an important aspect of environment is the evalution of the nutritive value of the grazing. 母猪在放牧饲养时,环境的一个重要方面是对放牧的营养价值的估价问题。
- So removing dampness by diuresis, regulating the funtion of the liver and spleen, promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis were adop... 故在治疗上分别采用利湿祛邪、调肝理脾、活血化瘀之法,取得了显著疗效。
- TAKEUCHI T.Laboratory work-Chemical evalution of dietary nutrienta,Fish Nutrition and Mari-culture(WATANABE T.ed),1988,p.199-211,JAICA Text book TOKYO. 白井展也.;鱼脂肪的成分组成和食用材料有效性的研究[M]