- eutectic carbide band 带状共晶碳化物
- Eutectic carbide in network made white iron was britten. 共晶碳化物呈连续网状分布是白口铁脆性的根源。
- The main area of initiation is pinetree carbide and eutectic carbide. 裂纹萌生地主要为:枝晶碳化物和复式碳化物。
- The effect of RE and heat treatment on eutectic carbide morphology and impact toughness of white cast iron was studied. 研究了稀土变质与热处理对白口铸铁的共晶碳化物形貌及冲击韧度的影响。
- Granular procedure of eutectic carbide in modified ledeburite steel is studied and granular mechanism of eutectic carbide is discussed. 研究了变质莱氏体钢中共晶碳化物的粒化过程,探讨了碳化物的粒化机理。
- The results show that thermal fatigue cracks initiate at graphite cusps and in the pearlitic matrix and eutectic carbide. 结果表明,热疲劳裂纹在石墨尖端处、珠光体基体及共晶碳化物中萌生;
- The modification is an effective channel for improving of the eutectic carbide shape and distribution, and enlarging the application of the cast HSS. 变质处理是改善共晶碳化物形态和分布,扩大铸造高速钢应用的有效途径。
- The approach of crack propagating in hard phase includes fracture of eutectic carbide, raw WC particle, interface of them and pinetree carbide. 裂纹优先在硬质相区扩展,扩展的方式及途径包括枝晶碳化物的脆断,原始WC颗粒和复式碳化物的开裂以及两者之间的界面脱离。
- High temperature homogenization treatment can basically eliminate eutectic carbide and dramatically improve the segregation in steel. 高温均质化处理可基本消除钢中的共晶碳化物,显著改善成分偏析;
- The hardness of as-cast cast iron 290Cr26MoW depends on the amount and hardness of the eutectic carbide as well as the ratio of austenite and martensite in the matrix. 铸态290Cr26MoW耐磨白口铸铁的硬度由共晶碳化物数量和硬度以及基体中奥氏体和马氏体数量比共同决定。
- The aimed of the study is to turn network eutectic carbide in high Cr die steel into granular during heating before forging by modification of ledeburite. 对传统莱氏体型高铬模具钢进行变质处理,使其在锻前的加热过程中网状共晶碳化物得到粒化。
- The spheroidizing procedure of the eutectic carbide in the modified M2 steel during heatingwas investigated with the methods of high temperature quenching and annealing. 采用高温淬火、退火等方法研究了变质M2高速钢中共晶碳化物在加热时的团球化过程。
- The cracks mainly propagate at interfaces between the steel matrix and the eutectic ledeburite, and in the steel matrix and through the eutectic carbide. 热疲劳裂纹主要在钢基体与共晶莱氏体界面处、钢基体内扩展及穿越共晶碳化物。
- It can improve die working life largely by forging to high-speed steel material, changing the brittle phase of eutectic carbide in superplasticity to enhanced phase. 对高速钢原材料进行锻造,变钢中共晶碳化物脆性相为强化相,可显著提高模具使用寿命。
- The results show that rare earth modification and heat treatment all can improve eutectic carbide morphology and increase the impact toughness,and both compre hensive result is more noticeable. 研究了稀土变质与热处理对白口铸铁的共晶碳化物形貌及冲击韧度的影响。
- It is showed that type and morphology of eutectic carbides can be controlled by combining alloyed elements. 结果表明,共晶碳化物的类型和形态能通过合金成分组合控制。
- He left when the band began to beat out pop music. 乐队一奏起流行音乐他就走了。
- Keywords Rare earths;Ledeburite steel;Eutectic carbide;Granulation; 稀土;莱氏体钢;共晶碳化物;粒化;
- The band played a military march. 乐队吹奏军队进行曲。
- The Cr12 steel is a kind of Ledeburite steel. Although eutectic carbides are smashed by forging,they are still coarse with ridgy which lead to toughness insufficient and not enough service life of the tool. 由于Cr12属莱氏体钢,共晶碳化物虽经锻碎,但仍粗大且有棱角,致使凸模强韧性不足,寿命不高。