- ethnic policy making 民族政策制定
- The authors discuss the poverty situation of the less populated ethnic groups, analyse causes of the poverty and present recommendations for policy making. 作者描述了中国人口较少民族的贫困状况,分析了其贫困的原因,提出了扶贫开发的政策建议。
- A small group has begun to predominate in policy making. 一小撮人在已经开始在制定政策中起主导作用。
- National Interest, Eternal Guide Line in Policy Making! 二、国家利益:永恒的政策准则!
- A smallgroup has begun to predominate in policy making. 一小撮人在制定政策中已开始起主导作用.
- Will different information and government policy make a difference? 信息和政府政策有何影响?
- Under this situation, the paper intended to analyze and re-interpret the effectiveness of Singapore’s ethnic policy based on the perspective of New Institutionalism. 因此,新制度论的相关论点正好可以作为解释新加坡族群议题的依据,本文将根据新制度论的观点,重新诠释和分析新加坡族群政策的具体成效。
- Increase transparency of policy making Encourage public participation. 提高决策透明度鼓励社会参与。
- The Tusi system of Guangxi was a special political system and ethnic policy that Central government put into effect on minority nationality regions in Guangxi. 摘要广西的土司制度是中原封建王朝对广西少数民族所施行的一种特殊的政治制度和民族政策。
- A less jerky monetary policy makes for greater stability. 波动较小的货币政策会导致更稳定的经济。
- The party's ethnic policies are the primary motivation for the development of Aba prefecture. 摘要党的民族政策是阿坝州经济社会发展的根本动力。
- Eva Kolinsky,The Greens in West Germany:Organization and Policy Making,Berg Publishers 1989. 李伯杰.;德国文化史[M]
- Objective:To analyze the impress of epidemiology and facilitate the policy making for measles control. 目的:分析麻疹暴发流行病学特征,为制订麻疹防治策略提供依据。
- Finally, suggestions are propounded on policy making for protection and development in China's the mountain areas. 最后结合我国山区政策目前正处于转型阶段的特点,对山区政策的制定以及山区小城镇的整体发展提出建议。
- These buildings and antiquities are living testimony to Ming and Qing, especially Qing, ethnic policies, Sino-Tibetan cultural exchange and east-west interaction. 这些建筑与文物是明清,特别是清代民族政策、汉藏文化交流及东西交通等方面的生动见证。
- The main purpose of HTA is to inform persons of technology-related policy making in health care. 卫生技术评估的评估范畴、评估方法和评估细致程度差异较大。
- Voting Right The right of a stockholder to vote on matters of corporate policy making as well as on who will compose the board of directors. 指股东对公司企业政策以及董事会成员等事宜进行投票的权力。
- Ethnic Policy of the Nanzhao Kingdom 论南诏的民族政策
- We will enforce the law and promote owners awareness. In addition, we will ensure a holistic approach to and consistency in policy making. 我们亦会继续采取执法工作,提高业主对大厦管理维修的意识,以及确保有关政策全面而一致。
- On the Classification of Ethnic Policy Systems 民族政策系统分类探讨