- At home,those who lead public opinion have described ethnic Chinese sentiments and culture as a hangover from history. 在国内,位居主流的舆论领袖已经把民族情感,甚至母族文化,界定为历史的包袱,说它有碍国家认同感的塑造,也有碍多元种族政策的贯彻。
- At home,those who lead public opinion have described ethnic Chinese sentiments and culture as a hangover from history. These are seen as detrimental to the building of a national identity and to multiracialism. 在国内,位居主流的舆论领袖已经把民族情感,甚至母族文化,界定为历史的包袱,说它有碍国家认同感的塑造,也有碍多元种族政策的贯彻。
- At home, those who lead public opinion have described ethnic Chinese sentiments and culture as a hangover from history. These are seen as detrimental to the building of a national identity and to multiracialism. 在国内,位居主流的舆论领袖已经把民族情感,甚至母族文化,界定为历史的包袱,说它有碍国家认同感的塑造,也有碍多元种族政策的贯彻。
- ethnic Chinese sentiment 中华民族情感
- Ethnic Chinese preponderate in the population of Singapore. 在新加坡的人口中,华人居多数。
- I am sure this is exactly how ethnic Chinese all over the world feel. 我相信这是所有华裔人士的共同感受。
- The Chinese sentiment for rocks has already been explained,or hinted at,in a previous section. 关于中国人对石头的感情,我在前一节里已经说明过,或已经暗示过。
- The ethnic Chinese are prohibited om obtaining governmental scholarships. 印尼华人按规定不能获得政府的奖金。
- This user is ethnically Chinese . 中华这个用户是华人。
- I had the great honor of befriending the first three ethnic Chinese Nobel Prize winners: Yang, Li and Ting. 我很荣幸结识了杨、李和丁这三位诺贝尔得奖人。
- Is Suharto and his family ethnically CHINESE? 苏哈托跟他的家人是华人吗?
- The truth is indeed disappointing to hear,either for the ethnic Chinese or any other Asian peoples. 不论从华人或者东方民族的立场看待这种令人失望的心态,都让人觉得很不是滋味。
- I had the great honor of befriending the first three ethnic Chinese Nobel Prize winners: Yang,Li and Ting. 我很荣幸结识了杨、李和丁这三位诺贝尔得奖人。
- In particular it reported extensively on a recent damaging split within the main pro-government ethnic Chinese party. 这则报道的细节诽谤了亲政府的主要华人政党。
- Ethnic Chinese have forged ahead to the forefront of world Biological and medical research. 华人已经打入世界生物学与医学界的前沿。
- How many of those news reports focused on the plight of the Indonesian ethnic Chinese minority? 有多少家新闻报道把镜头对准印尼华裔少数民族的生存状况?
- The truth is indeed disappointing to hear, either for the ethnic Chinese or any other Asian peoples. 不论从华人或者东方民族的立场看待这种令人失望的心态,都让人觉得很不是滋味。
- By the time I reached secondary school, ACS was encouraging its ethnic Chinese pupils to take Mandarin as the second language. 到我升上中学,英华学校正鼓励华族学生选择华文为第二语文。
- I believe we would be elated by the news of an ethnic Chinese scientist being awarded a biology or medical Nobel Prize. 华裔科学家获生物医学诺贝尔奖应该是不久以后会再度引起我们极大欢欣的新闻。
- In the history of Southeast Asia, many famous ethnic Chinese figures were Hakkas. 在东南亚历史上,有不少著名的华族人物都是客家人。