- ethnic Asian groups 亚裔族群
- China topped their Asian group with six wins,one draw and a solitary defeat. 中国队以6胜、1平、1负的战绩在亚洲区小组赛中拔得头筹。
- The Asian Group considered it a good basis for future work at the PCDA. 亚洲集团将其看作PCDA未来工作的好基础。
- The Delegation of Papua New Guinea associated itself with the statement made on behalf of the Asian Group. 巴布亚新几内亚代表团同意代表亚洲集团的发言。
- After that, he had received proposals from GRULAC, Group B, Asian Group and the African Group. 在此之后,他收到了GRULAC、B集团、亚洲集团和非洲集团的提案。
- It reiterated that mainstreaming of the development agenda in WIPO represented the fundamental position of the Asian Group. 它重申,WIPO发展议程的主流代表了亚洲集团的基本立场。
- The Asian Group was fully committed to the PCDA and supportive of the Chair's role in moving the process forward by addressing substantive issues. 亚洲集团完全忠实于PCDA,并支持主席在通过选择实质性问题来推进进程方面的作用。
- In this process, the Asian Group was ready to work with other Member States and to play a constructive role in reaching consensus on the way forward. 在这一进程中,亚洲集团随时乐意与其他成员国合作,并就将来达成一致意见发挥建设性作用。
- The Delegation of Indonesia associated itself with the statement delivered by the Delegation of Thailand on behalf of the Asian Group. 印度尼西亚代表团支持泰国代表团代表亚洲集团所作的发言。
- The Delegation of Pakistan associated itself with the statement made by the Delegation of Bangladesh, on behalf of the Asian Group. 巴基斯坦代表团赞同孟加拉国代表团代表亚洲集团所做的发言。
- The Delegation of the Philippines wished to express its support to the Asian Group's statement delivered by the Delegation of Bangladesh on its behalf. 菲律宾代表团希望表达对孟加拉国代表团代表亚洲集团发言的支持。
- The Delegation of the Philippines associated itself with the statements made on behalf of the Asian Group and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). 菲律宾代表团同意代表亚洲集团和东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)的发言。
- Cox counters that the lone African's RRM2P4 sequence is identical to the Asian group, suggesting that this person probably descended from recent Asian immigrants. 考克斯反驳说,那条单独的非洲人RRM2P4序列,会与亚洲族群的相同,代表那个人应该是近来亚洲移民的后代。
- Being a member of a particular ethnic group. 种族一员的作为一特定种族集团中的成员的
- The Asian Group, being composed of developing countries particularly appreciated the Chair's outstanding role and contribution in forging the consensus on the renewal of the mandate of the PCDA. 亚洲集团由发展中国家组成,尤其赞赏主席为争取在延长PCDA任务授权的问题上取得协商一致而发挥的出色作用和贡献。
- Members of the Asian Group looked forward to contributing during the PCDA by elaborating their views on those and other issues, when substantive discussions were held on specific proposals. 亚洲集团成员国盼望在PCDA会议期间在对一些专门的提案进行实质性讨论时,发表对这些和其它问题的看法。
- A member of the predominant ethnic group of Iran. 法尔西人伊朗主要种族的一员
- The United States has frozen the finan-cial assets of 10 Malaysians consid-ered to be "global terrorists," including alleged key members of the al-Qai-da-linked Asian group Jemaah Islamiyah. 美国已经冻结了10名被认为是“全球恐怖分子”的马来西亚人的财产,他们中包括据称与基地组织有关的亚洲组织“伊斯兰团”的重要成员。
- That Asian stopped me and asked if I was Chinese. 那个亚洲人拦住我,问我是不是中国人。
- Ethnic enclaves in a large city. 被围于大城市之中的少数民族