people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture
ethnic group的用法和样例:
Being a member of a particular ethnic group. 种族一员的作为一特定种族集团中的成员的
A state, region, or territory that is closely identified with a particular people or ethnic group. 故土与某一个民族或种族紧密相连的一个国家,地区或一片领土
A member of the predominant ethnic group of Iran. 法尔西人伊朗主要种族的一员
A member of a particular ethnic group, especially one who maintains the language or customs of the group. 具有该种族语言、风俗的成员某一特定种族集团中的一员,尤指保持着这一集团的语言或风俗习惯的成员