- But the virtual world has its ethical rules too. 但是虚拟世界也有自己的道德准则。
- The rules measured a sexual behaviour is impermissible or not should include statistical rule, medical rule, ethical rule and legal rule. 衡量性行为是否越轨的标准包括:统计标准、医学标准、伦理标准和法律标准。这四个标准是不可分割的,同时又具有相对独立性。
- The rules measured a sexual behaviour is impermissible or should not include statistical rule,medcial rule,ethical rule and legal rule. 在当下的社会文化背景下,尚缺少一个公认的明确的标准和准则。
- Would even the existence of a set of clear ethical rules in politics unduly infringe on political freedom? 一套明确的政治道德准则,会否不必要地侵犯政治自由?
- As long as the sufferer is not prodded too hard, or denied a clear view of television, no ethical rules are violated. 只要没有将患者刺激得过于严重,或是不给出清晰的电视画面,就没有违反任何伦理准则。
- Taking Man as the Essential Is a Good Ethic Rule 以人为本:社会交往的伦理金律
- I, like many people, feel that a strong enthusiasm and conviction are the forces needed to implement these ethical rules, and that academia will only support these forces. 我跟许多人一样,认为要履行这些伦理规则,需要非常的热情和信念,而学术界也将会支持这种力量。
- Politicians, too, are subject to lobbying, by the government as well as by the business sector. Should there also be ethical rules governing such actions? 既然政客是政府和工商界游说的对象,我们应否制定道德守则,规管以政客为对象的游说活动?
- On the other hand, facing new challenges from Virtual-Real Twoness, and based on it, the basic ethic rules of this Virtual-Real world is proposed. 在“虚-实世界”这一人类现代生活世界中,伦理关系及规范方式有其特殊样式。
- However, despite the latitude for accepting oppositional cases under the ethical rules, posi¬tional conflicts pose unique barriers for pro bono cases. 但尽管在符合道德规范的情况下对接受立场相反的案件尚有回旋余地,立场冲突对公益性案件构成了独特的障碍。
- The Ching court began to feel its rule threatened. 清廷开始感到自己的统治受到了威胁。
- But this does not rule out unofficial discussions. 但这并不排除进行非正式的讨论。
- To illuminate Kantian moral philosophy, the perspective of "the universal concepts of obligation and ethical rules" is one of the basic clues that we can directly find in Kant's works. 摘要以“义务和道德法则的普遍理念”为视角阐明康德的道德哲学是可以从康德的原著中直接把握到的基本线索;
- The rule is inapplicable to this occasion. 那规则对这一场合不适用。
- I did the calculation by the rule of three. 我是根据比例运算法则计算出来的。
- It is up to the courts to rule on this matter. 这得靠法院对这事作出裁决。
- I'm afraid that the judge might rule against him. 恐怕法官的判决会于他不利。
- You can't divorce science from ethical questions. 不能把科学与伦理问题截然分开。
- I make it a rule to take a short walk after lunch. 我习惯在午饭后散散步。
- They teach the relativity of all ethical ideas. 他们宣扬一切道德观念的相对性。