- But it does illustrate the difficulty in making ethical investing decisions. 但它确实说明了在作出道德性投资决策方面存在的困难。
- Explain the meanings of ethical investing and an ethical corporate culture. 解释有道德的投资和企业伦理文化的含义。
- Those are the "Big Five" in terms of ethical decisions and they tend to provoke the strongest emotions, and come up most often in discussions of ethical investing. 这是有道德争议的“五大”领域,容易激起人们最强烈的爱憎之情,也最常引发道德性投资的讨论。
- None of this necessarily means that Gap is a bad company, or culpable in the Saipan case. But it does illustrate the difficulty in making ethical investing decisions. 这都不意味着盖普是个差劲的公司,或者在西潘事件中是有罪的。但它确实说明了在作出道德性投资决策方面存在的困难。
- None of this necessarily means that Gap is a bad company, o`r culpable in the Saipan case. But it does illustrate the difficulty in making ethical investing decisions. 这都不意味着盖普是个差劲的公司,或者在西潘事件中是有罪的。但它确实说明了在作出道德性投资决策方面存在的困难。
- Their move does not preclude others from investing. 他们这一行动并不影响其他人进行投资。
- Investing in industry is money well spent. 钱投资在工业上是正确的。
- By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune. 她由于投资精明而积蓄了一笔财产。
- You can't divorce science from ethical questions. 不能把科学与伦理问题截然分开。
- He threw a spanner into works by never investing this project. 他不再投资这项工程而破坏了整个计划。
- They teach the relativity of all ethical ideas. 他们宣扬一切道德观念的相对性。
- Her behavior is alien to our ethical values. 她的行为和我们的伦理标准格格不入。
- I'm thinking of investing in a new car. 我打算花一笔钱买辆新汽车。
- I won't do it; it's not ethical. 我不会这么做;这不符合职业道德。
- He invest all his money in a shop. 他将所有的钱投资于商店。
- She is advised to invest in real estate. 有人建议他投资于房地产。
- I won't invest my money in his company. 我不会把我的钱投资到他的公司。
- I've decided to invest in a new car. 我已决定买一辆新汽车。
- You must invest if you want your business to grow. 要想使生意扩大,必须投资。
- You had better not invest so much money at your peril. 你最好不要冒险投资这么多。