- It is the chief cause of a Promethean's estrangement from mortals. 这是造成活尸与人类疏远的主要原因。
- I didn't realize that Arthur was estranged from his wife. 我没意识到阿瑟和他妻子之间已疏远了。
- The death of Brissenden, and the estrangement from Ruth had made a big hole in his life. 勃力森登死了,罗丝跟他一刀两断了,这一切使他的生活大大空虚起来。
- His impulsiveness and jealousy caused his estrangement from his wife, daughter and his friends. 他的冲动和嫉妒导致了与他妻子,女儿,和朋友的疏远。
- In fact, sports psychologists claim that there is an automatic estrangement from the coach's authority once an athlete is out of teens, seeking independence. 事实上,运动心理学家们认为,运动员一旦过了十几岁青少年阶段,便自动开始脱离教练权威性的影响,寻求自立。
- Some recent Chinese films or TVs show indifference to the moral authority, estrangement from the radical ideas and overt pursuit of current interest. 中国近期部分电影和电视表现出对道德权威的冷漠,对激进理想的疏离,以及对于当下利益毫不掩饰的追求。
- They are rather estranged from each other. 他们之间有些隔膜。
- He became estranged from his friends. 他和朋友们疏远了。
- They were [became] estranged from each other. 他们彼此变疏远了。
- She felt estranged from her former existence. 她感到自己已脱离了过去的生活方式。
- They were estranged from each other. 他们彼此变疏远了。
- His brothers are estranged from each other. 他的兄弟们相互疏远。
- They are somewhat estranged from each other. 他们之间有些隔膜。
- The accumulation of the dispute, the husband and wife and estrangement from the alert, known as the "Strange Bedfellows. 纠纷的积累,夫妻从隔阂而戒备,俗称“同床异梦”。
- His estrangement from his wife, who is seeking a divorce, means he lacks a spouse who can oversee the host duties for spouses of the other G8 leaders. 他的妻子正试图和他离婚。他与妻子的疏远意味着他缺少一位能为其他八国领导人配偶尽东道主责任的配偶。
- He became estranged from his family after the argument. 那场争吵后他便与家人疏远了。
- Although he's done wrong, you shouldn't become estranged from him. 尽管他犯了错,你也不该疏远他。
- In addition, Jolie was estranged from her famous father. 此外,朱莉与她享有盛誉的父亲出现不和。
- With our past work plus our current work we are quite capable of solving the several-thousand-year-old problem of estrangement from the minority nationalities and uniting all our nationalities. 经过这些历史上的工作,加上今天的工作,我们完全可以解决几千年遗留下来的民族隔阂,把各民族团结好。
- If allowed to develop,this idea would involve the danger of estrangement from the masses,control of the government by the army and departure from proletarian leadership -- it would be to take the path of warlordism like the Kuomintang army. 这种思想如果发展下去,便有走到脱离群众、以军队控制政权、离开无产阶级领导的危险,如像国民党军队所走的军阀主义的道路一样。