- estradiol micronized 微粉化雌二醇<雌激素类药>
- The estrogen hormone most affected by velvet antler is estradiol. 鹿茸也能提高雌性激素的水平,雌性激素主要支持雌性特征。
- Standard sub micron grade for solid rotary tool applications. 是适用于可转位工具的晶粒度为亚微米级的标准牌号。
- Mechanical package of Digital test micron indicators. 数显杠杆千分表机械组件。
- Is a unsintered and irradiated micron sized P.T.F.E. 是一种非经烧结的经辐照过的润滑性聚四氟乙烯粉料,其平均粒径在2-3微米。
- Exclusively FDA-compliant pure polypropylene micron fiber. 使用符合FDA要求的过滤纯聚丙烯毛细纤维。
- Micron scale spheres may be preserved in quenched volcanic matrix. 有时微米级球体可以在淬冷火山岩基质中得以保存。
- It is able to trap particles above 0.3 micron in size. 它能阻隔0.;3毫米以上的微粒。
- To filter minuteness particle is available with 5 micron filter. 可过滤5微米的微小颗粒;
- ER binding sites in tumor were determinedby tritiated estradiol binding method. 用氚标记雌二醇结合法测定瘤内的er结合位点数。
- TCDD and VE had no significant effects on the levels of plasma estradiol. TCDD染毒和维生素E对小鼠血浆雌二醇含量均没有明显影响。
- With this Optical Equipment, we are able to distinguish 0.025 micron microwave. 用这台光学仪器,我们可以分辨出0.;025微米的微波。
- For comparison, a particle of smoke is about 1/10th of a micron in size. 作为比较,烟中的微粒大约是在十分之一微米大小。
- Ultra fine particles (UFP) are normally defined as micronized particles. 根据用途不同,超微颗粒通常定义为微米级或者纳米级颗粒。
- The corn starch granules can be micronized by the modern powder machine. 摘要采用现代粉体机械可制备微细化玉米淀粉。
- Radioimmunoassay was used to measure the levels of the serum growth hormoen(GH),estradiol(E2) and testosterone(T). 用放免法测血清中GH(生长素)、E2(雌二醇)和T(睾酮)含量。
- The particle radius unit, the micron, is especially common and useful. 粒子半径的单位是微米,微米这个单位尤其普通和有用。
- The classifier can be used for classifying powders of micron or submicron size. 结果表明,该超细粉分级机可用于微米或亚微米级的粉体分级。
- The aluminium base and imprints layer or two Micron thick temperaturc. 最下背为铝下层、感平树脂层、两微米薄的硅 橡胶涂层。
- Multiple kinds of organic acids such as pomegranate acid, estrone, estradiol and mannitol. 石榴酸、雌酮、雌二醇、甘露醇等有机酸。