- estimating cost system [经] 估计成本制度
- Displays the estimated cost of a query. 显示查询的估计开销。
- What are its specs,estimated cost,and testing? 产品的规格预估成本及测试为何?
- Job cost system allows managers to input physical completion % and calculates with them. 作业费用系统允许管理器输入物理的结束%25并且与他们一起计算。
- Instructor: Financial Master , Financial manager experience from 5OO Strongest company, consulting manager, involved in SGM cost system development. 参加对象:财务总监、财务经理/主管、预算专员、成本控制经理及财务相关人员。
- The basic aim of any costing system is to determine the product cost. 任何一种成本计算制度的根本目的都是为了确定产品成本。
- Financial manager experience from 5OO Strongest company, consulting manager,involved in SGM cost system development. 参加对象:财务总监、财务经理/主管、预算专员、成本控制经理及财务相关人员。
- The estimated cost of all CPU activity for the operation. 用于执行操作的所有CPU活动的估计开销。
- Job order and process costing system are similar in many ways. 分批法和分步法在很多地方是相似的。
- The activity-based costing system has some other advantages. 作业成本计算制度还有其他一些优点。
- The spokesman said the estimated cost was 5.5 billion dirhams. 所谓“迪拜园”,指的是当地临近波斯湾岸边的一大片沙漠地带。
- Chapter three focuses on designing the form of Activity Based Cost System (ABCS), which is composed by the ABC, ABCM and performance value system. 作业成本体系的框架设计是文章论述的第三个问题。 作业成本体系框架由作业成本计算体系的设计,作业成本管理的设计以及业绩评价系统三部分组成。
- Use historical data to estimate costs. 使用历史数据估计成本。
- Chapter threefocuses on designing the form of Activity Based Cost System (ABCS), which iscomposed by the ABC, ABCM and performance value system. 作业成本体系框架由作业成本计算体系的设计,作业成本管理的设计以及业绩评价系统三部分组成。
- Additionally, you should identify the estimated cost of unplanned downtime so that you can appropriate the proper amount of fault tolerance into your messaging system. 此外,应确定计划外停机时间的估计成本,以便可以在邮件系统内占用适当的容错量。
- It was a fundamental guarantee for the validity and accuracy of the results from CEA to rigorously abide by the principles and implement step-by-step process of estimating costs. 严格按照成本测算的原则 ,按步完成成本测算过程 ,是成本效果分析结果有效性与准确性的根本保证
- As usual as in the most countries, China"s financial accounting system is based on accrual system and historic cost system. 和世界上大多数国家一样,我国的企业会计制度要求公司制企业以权责发生制和历史成本制为基础核算经营成果。
- Average final estimated cost for an optimized plan in internal cost units. 优化计划的最终平均估计开销,以内部开销单位为单位。
- Thus, the application of the activity-based costing system is costly. 因此,应用作业成本计算制度的成本是比较高的。
- Therefore, the estimated cost of this coal is debited to the Inventory account. 因此煤的预计成本借记到存货账户。