- The essential reason of influence of stress amplitudes and waveforms on rock life was different dissipation of energy. 结果表明,应力幅值、波形和频率都对岩石的疲劳寿命有显著的影响。
- The unique Du poetics and the similar life experiences are the essential reason for Yuan to learn from Du. 独特系统的杜诗学理论,相近相仿的人生经历,是遗山词学杜甫的根本原因。
- This parallel analysis is also due to another somewhat much profounder and more essential reason. 这种限定一方面是为了实现笔者“作为隐喻的书法”的共时性实践研究尝试,同时也体现出笔者对如下两个理论层面的研究和探讨。
- This is the essential reason that the density of flan is not uniform along the height. 这就是引起压坯的密度随高度分布不均匀的根本原因。
- The essential reason for low X-efficiency of state-owned enterprises is immanent disfigurement of governance structure caused by property right. 国有企业非资源配置低效率的根本原因是由产权性质导致的国有企业治理结构的内在缺陷。
- According to me, the discovery of emptiness is the essential reason why western philosophy turns to anthropology, philology and existentialism. 这种理解意味着世界不是人以理性、知觉、语言建构的对象,而是体验的对象;它不是为人而在,而是与人共在。
- The essential reason for the situation is the serious defects in the design of Chinese state-subsidized student loan system. 造成这种局面的根本原因在于我国现行国家助学贷款制度的设计存在严重缺陷。
- At present, the notable externalization of accident loss is the essential reason why the construction company won't dedicate in improving the work safety. 安全损失内部化力度的加大,对预防未来的安全事故将起到积极的经济刺激作用,从本质上提高我国建筑业整体安全管理水平。
- It infers that the institutional bottlenecks during system transition is the essential reason and most of all, all problems of Chinese economy derive from the unreasonableness of property-rights. 第二,认为我国经济体制改革过程中的制度瓶颈是我国经济增长速度趋缓的根本原因,其中,产权制度的不合理是一切问题的总根源。
- In a great sense, the essential reason of Malamud's stressing morality and focusing on suffering in his fictions, resulted from the influence of the Jewish religion, law, history and literature. 他强调道德,关注人类生存痛苦,这在很大程度上来自犹太教、犹太律法、犹太历史和犹太文学对他的影响。
- "At" may future weaken and become the attachment of verb,or keep the independence as a preposition,which is the essential reason for different understanding of "V at NP" structure. “在”既有进一步虚化前附动词的趋势,同时也具有作为介词在句法上的一定独立性,这也是人们在分析“V在NP”结构时产生分歧的根源。
- The essential reason of the phenomenon is the hemodynamics in blood pumps.CFD was applied to predict the flow patterns in a stream_lined blood pump and a pump with straight vanes respectively. 本研究针对基于流线型设计的叶轮血泵和一种直叶片血泵,应用CFD对其内部流场进行了数值模拟,并通过溶血实验对结果进行了验证。
- Please explain in short the most essential reasons of applying for this position? 请简单解释您申请这个职位的最主要的原因。
- This paper analyzes the phenomenon in security market and finds out the essential reason with theory of Noise trading and finally, proposes the countermeasures for decreasing noise trading. 本文借鉴金融噪声理论对中国证券市场进行剖析,阐述了造成这种现象的根本性原因,提出减少噪声交易的对策措施。
- Second, the increasingly carrion feudalization was one of the essential reasons to block the development of Chinese neoteric mathematics. 日趋腐朽的封建制度也是阻碍中国近代数学发展的根本原因之一;
- This paper analyzes the essential reasons for aliasing phenomena in AMLCD graphics display. Some basic theories and general methods for antialiasing are introduced. 该文从分析有源矩阵液晶显示器(AMLCD)图形走样现象的根本原因入手,分析并阐述了图形反走样技术的基本原理和常见方法。
- The grassland resources in Inner Mongolia are fairly rich.But grasslands are fast being depleted and degraded now.Overgrazing is one of essential reasons . 摘要内蒙古草地资源丰富,但面临着逐年退化,面积日益缩小的危机,其中草原过度放牧是重要原因之一。
- Because of the complexity of derailment and difficulty of its study, the artificial intelligence approach is applied to analyze the essential reasons of derail accidents. 针对列车脱轨事故原因的复杂性,本文将现代人工智能技术引入列车脱轨事故分析领域,使用从定性到定量的综合集成的智能方法进行脱轨事故分析。
- Her most essential quality is kindness. 她最主要的品质是善良。