- Essential elements of drill hole. 钻孔具有的结构和尺寸因素。
- The essential elements of the GDI graphics library. GDI图形库的基本元素。
- Potassium One of the essential elements in plants. 钾:植物体的必需元素之一。
- Love is the essential element of Christianity. 爱为基督教之要素
- Red and white corpuscles are essential elements of blood. 红血球和白血球是血液中的重要成分。
- An unenforceable contract is one where all the essential elements are present. 在不能强制执行的合同中,所有的合同必备要素也都存在。
- The essential element in the mores and in personal morality is consistency. 民风民德,以及个人道德中首要的因素是其连贯性。
- The essential element is possession, and that possession must be lawful. (占有留置的)必备要素是占有,且该占有必须合法。
- Different note lengths or durations are an essential element in rhythm. 不同音符时值是节奏的基本构成要素。
- The Blitz fourth is an essential element of Britain's wartime legacy. 伦敦大轰炸是英国从战时传承的第四个主要元素。
- Until now,mosaic is an essential element in interors and exteriors decoration. 直至今天,马赛克已成为室内外装潢不可或缺的元素,马赛克每块面积十分细小,对于铺设有弧位的表面真是适合不过;
- A compound derived or obtained from another and containing essential elements of the parent substance. 衍生物从另一种物质演化出来的,包含其母体的基本元素的化合物
- An essential element in our long-term growth will be our close ties with the Mainland. 香港与内地的紧密联系,是保持香港经济长远增长所不可或缺的。
- Intention to create a legal relationship is one of the essential element of a contract. 产生法律关系的意图是合同基本要素之一。
- Regardless of apparent complexity, all control systems may be reduced to these essential elements. 一切控制系统,不管它表面上看起来有多么复杂,都可以分解成一些基本部件。
- Do not purchase any shampoo that rids your hair of essential elements, check the ingredients for alcohol. 不要购买任何洗发水,头发肋要素,遏制酒精成分。
- An interest in the physical sciences and mathematics are the essential elements for a career in meteorology. 有兴趣在物理科学和数学的基本要素生涯气象学。
- Salt is not a luxury but a necessity. It is one of the essential elements for living. 盐不是奢侈品,乃是必须品,是生命和生活不可或缺的,盐能使我们身体正常运作。
- The following code example shows the essential elements of a Windows Forms application. 下面的代码示例说明了“Windows窗体”应用程序的基本元素。
- This guide walks through all the essential elements of programming with Visual Basic. 本指南引导您学习使用Visual Basic编程的所有基本元素。