- There are essential differences between the two. 这两者之间有本质的区别。
- Are there essential differences between the male and female brain? 男人的大脑和女人的大脑有本质区别吗?
- There is no essential difference between the two drafts. 两份草稿没有本质上的不同。
- Explains the essential differences between these two project models. 解释这两种项目模型之间的关键差异。
- Therefore, they have no essential difference. 因此,两者并无本质区别。
- In the case of light similar effects are present though we shall see some essential differences. 对于光也有类似的效应,虽然我们会看到一些本质的差别。
- The essential difference between man and ape is intelligence. 人和猿最基本的区别是智力。
- Both diamagnetic body and papamagnet are we ak magnet ic bodies,but they have the essential differences in the magnetized physics mec hanism. 抗磁质和顺磁质虽然都是弱磁质,但两者在磁化的物理机制上有着本质的不同。
- First, we must fully understand the essential differences between China's people's congresses and Western congresses and parliaments. 一要充分认识人民代表大会与西方议会的本质区别。
- There's no essential difference between a metropolitan and a peasant. 大城市人和农民之间没有什么本质的区别。
- What is the essential difference between these two economic systems? 这两种经济体制的本质区别是什么?
- What is the essential difference between these two political systems? 这两种政治制度的本质区别是什么?
- S. economy." Alarmist to Congress obtained through empty promises , And Treasury Secretary Paulson and the purchase of bank bad debts of the essential differences? 通过危言耸听向国会索取空头支票的做法,又和财长保尔森购买银行坏帐有何本质区别?
- What is the essential difference between these two economic systems ? 这两种经济体制的本质区别是什么?
- The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money. 我与萨拉的根本区别在于我们对金钱的态度。
- These two phenomena are essentially different. 这两种现象实质不一样。
- Air and Apple has not essentially different. 空气与苹果没有本质的区别。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- An essential difference between "premium" and "regular" grades of kerosine is that the former has a higher smoke-point. “高档”与“中档”煤油的根本差别在于前者比后者的发烟点高。
- In our view, the narrative fiction from the poetry of their "poetic" tradition of independence, and the narrative is lyrical language fiction and poetry of the essential differences between languages. 我们认为,叙事把小说从诗歌所属的“诗学”传统中独立出来,叙事和抒情是小说语言和诗歌语言的本质区别。