- espousing feminism 拥护女权主义.
- Margaret had never been very impressed by feminism. 玛格丽特从未对妇女运动发生过兴趣。
- And along came second-wave feminism. 这条规定出台之时,美国也兴起了第二轮女权运动。
- What relationship is it with modem feminism? 它与现代女权主义观念是什么关系?
- The feminism age has yet to come. 女权主义的时代还没有到来。
- Her "Self" image burns with rebellious feminism. 简的“自我”形象迸发着女权主义的光芒。
- Feminism and Changing Sex Roles: It's good for Men! 女权主义和变换性别角色:男人的福音!
- Chivalry and feminism are NOT mutually exclusive. 绅士风度和女权主义互不排斥。
- A person whose beliefs and behavior are based on feminism. 女权主义者信仰和行动建立在男女平等主义基础上的人
- The word feminism conjures up a variety of images for people. 提起“争取女权运动”这个字眼,每个人都会产生不同的想法。
- In this day and age, espousing alternativeness is nothing to be ashamed of. 在这个日益多元化的社会,另类不再意味着可耻。
- Eg.She insists that feminism is at the root of her success. 她坚持说,女权主义是她成功的根本。
- Weedon, Chris. Feminism, Theory, and the Politics of Difference. 女性主义,理论及政治差别。
- Her words, thoughts and actions reflect the dawn of feminism. 她的所想、所为使我们看到了女权主义运动的曙光。
- Do you agree with feminism?Yes. Most certainly I do. 你赞同男女平等吗?
- Feminism has changed and grown with time and critical examination. 历经时间的磨练,通过严苛的考验,女权主义已然成长、化。
- Instead, much of feminism has devolved into the silly. 时过境迁,很多女权运动失去了原有的方向。
- Her tome helped catapult feminism beyond an ideology of victimhood. 这本学术书让女权运动超越了自定位为受害者的思想基础。
- Sade is one of the earliest feminism writer in history. 萨德是世界历史上最早提出女权的作家之一。
- The idea of using feminism to sell stuff to women is not new. (这种利用女权思潮推销商品的举动过去也曾经出现过。