- We were seized by a sudden impulse to run. 我们身不由己突然想跑。
- His irresistible impulse to set fire to shoe shop. 他放火烧鞋店的不可抗拒的冲动。
- He bought the house on an impulse. 他凭一时冲动买下了这所房子。
- eschatological impulse 末世冲动
- He felt an irresistible impulse to jump. 他突然有个无法抗拒的冲动,想跳下去。
- My uncle bought the house on an impulse. 我叔叔一时冲动买下了那房子。
- An irresistible impulse to sneeze. 抑制不住的想打喷嚏的冲动
- A strong creative impulse; divine inspiration. 灵感,神感强烈的创造欲; 神明启示
- The crucial eschatological event has taken place. 最关键性的末世事件已经发生。
- This plays into many eschatological scenarios. 这场游戏在很多末世论的设想里面。
- I used to act out of blind impulse when I was young. 我年轻时常凭盲目的冲动行事。
- On impulse, I picked up the phone and rang my sister in Australia. 我一时心血来潮,拿起话筒就给在澳大利亚的妹妹打了个电话。
- She often buys clothes on impulse. 她常常凭冲动购买衣服。
- It was a day for impulse and truancy. 这是个适于冲动或偷懒的日子。
- Henry had made his decision to fire me on impulse. 亨利作出解雇我的决定是凭一时冲动行事。
- She bought the dress on impulse. 她一时冲动买了这件衣服。
- The contrast is historical and eschatological in its scope. 这里的对照有历史性,末世性的意义。
- Redemptive work of the Holy Spirit is inherently eschatological. 圣灵的救赎工作,本质上是末世性的。
- A powerful motivation or impulse. 冲动一种强烈的动机或冲动
- But the two eschatological points of view are not identical. 可是两者的末世观并不相同。