- He escaped death in the car accident by sheer luck. 他在车祸中幸免于难。
- He escaped death by an inch. 他险些丧了命。
- The pilot escaped death by seconds. 这位飞行员真是死里逃生。
- We escaped death by a hair's breadth. 我们差一点就死了。
- She described how she had escaped death. 她描述了她是如何逃脱死神的。
- She described how she narrowly escaped death. 她描写了她如何死里逃生。
- She described how she had escaped death . 她描述了她是如何逃脱死神的。
- He escaped death by a hair's s breadth. 他差一点送了性命。
- They escaped death by inches when the house collapsed. 房子塌下来,差点儿把他们砸死。
- I'd escaped death a score of times by a hair's breadth. 我多次死里逃生。
- Christ could have compromised and possibly escaped death. 基督大可以作出妥协,便可以逃过一死。
- The pilot as well as two of the passengers has miraculously escaped death. 飞行员和两个旅客奇迹般地死里逃生。
- He had the luck to escape death in the fire. 他在火灾中幸运地逃过了一劫。
- A man narrowly escaped death when a fire broke out in his home on Sunday morning. 星期天早上,一个男人家里着火后侥幸逃生。
- I once befriended two little girls from Esthonia, who had narrowly escaped death from starvation in a famine . 我曾经帮助过两个来自爱沙尼亚的小姑娘,她俩在一次饥荒中死里逃生,幸免饿死。
- He escaped death by a hair's breadth.If the other car had been going any faster, he would certainly have been killed. 他简直是死里逃生。要是那辆车开得再快一点,他肯定被撞死了。
- I once befriended two little girls from Esthonia, who had narrowly escaped death from starvation in a famine. 我曾经帮助过两个来自爱沙尼亚的小姑娘,她俩在一次饥荒中差点被饿死。
- Harry learns that he escaped death because his parents, and especially his mother, were prepared to die for him. 哈利知道,他逃脱了死亡是因为他的父母,特别是他的母亲,准备好了为他而牺牲。
- My sister with her classmates is going to visit the Great Wall. The driver, as well as two of the passengers has miraculously escaped death. 司机和两名乘客奇迹般地活了下来。
- Li's perspective on life changed after he and his family narrowly escaped death while on holiday in the Maldives in 2004. 李连杰2004年在马尔代夫度假时遭遇海啸,他和亲人死里逃生。这件事使他对生命的看法发生了变化。