- erysipelas palpebrae 眼睑丹毒
- How is swine erysipelas treated? 猪丹毒怎么治疗?
- Swine erysipelas, lung plague, paratyphoid. 猪丹毒,猪肺疫,副伤寒。
- Turkey Erysipelas is caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. 火鸡丹毒是由红斑丹毒丝菌引起的一种火鸡的传染病。
- Purpose: To treat palpebra xanthelasma with Ar+ laser. 目的:利用氩离子激光治疗睑黄瘤。
- This dose of medicine will eradicate your erysipelas. 这副药可以消除你的流火。
- The erysipelas organism is quite resistant to salting, pickling, and smoking. 猪丹毒杆菌对盐腌,酸浸,烟熏很有抵抗力。
- There was no history of lymphangeitis, lymph node enlargement or erysipelas. 从无淋巴管炎、淋巴结肿大及丹毒史。
- Got erysipelas how to be treated, what should notice at ordinary times? 得了丹毒怎么治疗,平时要注意什么?
- Shortening of levator palpebrae superioris muscle and transverse ligament suspension in treating severe congenital blepharoptosis. 提上睑肌缩短加上横韧带加强治疗重度先天性上睑下垂。
- Methods Separated the frontalis aponeurosis flay and the levator palpebrae susperior aponeurosis from the affected upper eyelid. 方法:在患侧上睑分离制作提上睑肌腱膜瓣和额肌腱膜瓣,将二瓣重叠缝合。
- Objective To investigate the clinic efficacy of senile ptosis treated by pleating of levator palpebrae superioris combined with cutis laxa diorthosis. 目的探讨提上睑肌折叠术联合眼睑皮肤松弛矫正术治疗老年性上睑下垂的临床效果。
- With simultaneous salmon ella or swine erysipelas infection, the spleen may be enlarged and dark. 由于同时感染沙门氏菌病或猪丹毒,脾脏可能增大和发黑。
- Objective To observe the effects of resecting levator palpebrae superioris muscle on treating moderate and severe congenital ptosis. 目的探讨应用提上睑肌缩短术治疗中重度先天性上睑下垂的效果。
- Bacterial afterwards can be caused to send infection and lymphatic after the skin is broken phlogistic, erysipelas. 皮肤破后可引起细菌继发感染及淋巴管炎、丹毒等。
- Objective: To observe the effect of the palpebra obicularis muscle resection on senile entropion. 目的:观察睑轮匝肌切除术治疗老年性睑内翻疗效。
- For erysipelas (St. Anthony's fire), acute cholecystitis, boils and other acute inflammatory swelling. 对丹毒,疖肿,急性胆囊炎等各种急性炎肿有卓效。
- Method: Resecting malignant tumors of 42 cases with palpebrae by way of histotherapy and watching curative effects after operation. 方法对42例眼睑恶性肿瘤患者行组织学控制性切除,观察其术后疗效。
- It's made of Erysipelas from the Northeast ground together with black scorpions of the Northwest. 辽东鹤顶红,漠北黑蝎子,研磨成粉。
- Objective To explore the clinical curative effect to correct severe congenital blepharoptosis by connecting frontalis with levator palpebrae superior. 目的:研究改良的提上睑肌腱膜瓣联合额肌悬吊治疗重度先天性上睑下垂的临床治疗效果。