- error flow model 错误流模型
- I think IBM 150 million dollars in cash flow model Lane off too permeated. 我想IBM在150亿美元的现金流模型里过得太滋润了。
- Different solutions may be exactly the same cash flow model, but it falls far short of nature caused the effect. 不同的解决办法可能会产生完全相同的现金流模式,但却导致性质上相差甚远的效果。
- A power flow model for analyzing multi axis off road vehicle transmission is built and the solution is given. 提出用功率流模型来分析多轴越野车的传动系统 ;建立了传动系统各主要部件模型以及整车传动系统的功率流模型 ;并给出了求解算法 .
- For the calculation of the viscosity coefficient, bring in the Baldwin-Lomax algebra fast flow model. 为了计算黏性系数,引入了Baldwin-Lomax代数湍流模型。
- The gas penetration in the process of gas assisted injection molding is presented by generalized Hele Shaw flow model. 基于广义Hele-Shaw流动模型描述了气体辅助注射成型时气体的穿透过程。
- The traffic environments include the motorway traffic flow model and the driver behavior model. 交通环境模拟模型包括交通流量模拟模型和驾驶员行为模拟模型。
- Flue gas flow model is established based on gas flow to research the pressure distribution along the width of furnaces. 运用气体流动相关知识,建立炉气流动模型,研究沿炉宽方向上的压力分布。
- In the end, the Discounted Cash Flow model (DCF) is used to measure the value of the NPA-backed securities. 最后采用现金流贴现模型进行了不良资产支持证券的定价。
- We always adopt uniform fluid , separate fluid and drift flow model in multi-phase theory. 多相流理论中经常采用的有均流模型、分流模型及漂流模型。
- Develop a user interface flow model to facilitate the user experience. Take into consideration any special user needs or requirements for use. 分析用户场景识别工作流模式。开发用户接口流模型去帮助用户体验软件的功能。需要考虑任何特殊的用户需要和使用需求。
- Using the fluid flow model and monod equation of reaction kinetics, kinetic model of UASB reactor was established and the parameters were estimated. 运用流动模型和Monod方程,建立了UASB反应器稳态模型,并对模型参数进行了估计。
- error flow compressing algorithm 错误流压缩算法
- The solution of PIMS is introduced and the architecture, function model and information flow model are established in this paper. 本文提出了设备集成化管理体系的总体解决方案,建立了设备集成化管理体系的体系结构、功能模型和信息流模型。
- A simplified traffic flow model for the road intersection was proposed and a fuzzy logic controller based on the phase sequencer was developed. 进行交通控制时,采用模糊控制器和相序优化器联合控耕。
- Think, first, of that dreadful abyss of ignorance from which all error flows and so engulfs the sons of Adam in a darksome pool that no one can escape without the toll of toils and tears and fears. 首先,想想那可怕的愚昧之渊,这里谬误横生,将亚当的子孙们淹没于黑暗的泥沼之中,任何人若不付出劳碌、泪水和恐惧的代价均无法脱身。
- The one-dimensional two-phase flow model of solid propellant electrothermal chemical gun (SPETCG) is established in the paper. 该文建立了固体工质电热化学炮(SPETCG)内弹道一维两相流模型。
- The flow model of single phase flow in the elbow of the vertical tubular leacher was studied by using NaCl solution tracing and microcomputer sampling. 用盐水示踪、微机采样来研究垂直管道浸取器回弯头内单相流的流动模型。
- He overlooked a spelling error on the first page. 他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误。
- On the basis of the Darcy's law and the established seepage flow model,two composite formulas of permeability were derived with mathematic calculation. 根据达西定律及建立的渗流模型,经过数学推导,得到垂向和水平方向两类渗流模型的渗透率合成公式。