- An entirely new era, the era of knowledge economy, is beckoning us on. 一个崭新的知识经济时代正在召唤我们继续前进。
- An entirely new era,the era of knowledge economy,is beckoning us on. 一个崭新的知识经济时代正在召唤我们继续前进。
- Knowledge management is the newest management thought and way in the era of knowledge economy. 在知识经济时代,知识管理是最新型的管理思想和管理方法。
- The new millennium is an era of knowledge economy, abounding with Both opportunities and challenges. 新世纪是知识经济的世纪,充满机遇和挑战
- Since the advent of the era of knowledge economy and globalization of the economy in the form. 摘要:由于知识经济时代的来临以及全球化经济体系的形成。
- Knowledge management occurs after human beings enter the era of knowledge economy. 摘要知识管理是人类进入知识经济时代的产物。
- With the rapid development in technology and the revolutionary changes in knowledge, the new era of knowledge economy presents great challenges. 在知识经济时代,科技发展一日千里,各类知识不断更新
- This is the time of knowledge economy ,the age of changes and speed,the era of development and surpassing the outpack of competition and cooperation . 这是知识经济的时代;变化和飞速发展的年代;是发展和超越过去;竞争和合作的时代.
- The human society enters the 21st century, greets us is a globalized, informationization, the network era of knowledge economy. 摘要:人类社会进入21世纪,迎接我们的是一个全球化、信息化、网络化的知识经济时代。
- In the era of knowledge economy to advance agro-modernization, agricultural information is its essential demand and strategic choice. 农业信息化有助于农业科技的推广、农业经营管理水平的提高与农民自身的现代化。
- Abstract The era of knowledge economy is coming. Facing the challenge, how to adept the students to the development of the society is an important task. 知识经济时代即将到来,当代大学生面对挑战,如何能适应社会的发展是一个重要的课题。
- In the era of knowledge economy, the work of library information consultation has a lot of new features, which demands new thoughts, new ideas, new methods and new tools. 知识经济时代 ;图书馆信息咨询工作已具有许多新特点 ;这就要求开展图书馆信息咨询工作要有新思路、新理念、新方法、新工具 .
- Innovation is the basis and engine of the development of knowledge economy,and knowledge management is the newest management thought and way in the era of knowledge economy. 创新是知识经济发展的基础和引擎,知识管理是知识经济时代最新型的管理思想和管理方法。
- Whatever economic time it is, morality is a social common view, an eternal social adjustment, and wisdom of life. At the era of knowledge economy, morality is more valuable. 道德无论在何种经济时代,是社会的共识,是永恒的社会调节方式,是生活的智慧,在知识经济时代,道德更有其重大的价值。
- In the era of Knowledge economy,the Knowledge and wisdom of the human being embody concentratedly on the innovation.And all the innovation is on the premise of ideas innovation. 在知识经济时代,人类的知识与智慧集中体现在创新上,而一切创新均以观念创新为前提。
- Nursling science education goalcan not adapt to the need of the era of knowledge economy and information and wemust study it deeply and make an relative adjustment. 随着高科技时代的到来,综观国际幼儿科学教育的发展趋势,幼儿科学教育的目标已不能适应知识经济、信息时代对幼儿教育培养人才标准的要求,必须进行深入的研究和调整。
- Innovation is the basis and engine of the development of knowledge economy, and knowledge management is the newest management thought and way in the era of knowledge economy. 摘要创新是知识经济发展的基础和引擎,知识管理是知识经济时代最新型的管理思想和管理方法。
- As the world goes into the era of knowledge economy from that of industry economy,knowledge has become the main factor of production in the economical development,so the knowledge management emerges as the times require. 随着社会从工业经济时代进入知识经济时代,知识已成为社会经济发展中的主要生产要素,知识管理应运而生。
- Knowledge team is the organizational framework adapting to knowledge innovation in the era of knowledge economy, which conduce organizations to use knowledge resources plentifully. 知识团队是适应知识经济动态创新要求的组织结构,它有助于充分发挥组织内部智力资本的价值。