- equity to assets ratio [经] 股东权益与资产的比率
- Simple ratios of equity to assets will be monitored, as well as the more fiddly risk-based approach of Basel 2. 权益资产比等简单财务比率将被监控,新巴塞尔协议下的一些更复杂的基于风险的工具也不例外。
- net worth to assets ratio 资本净值与负债比率
- ratio of stockholders' equity to fixed assets [经] 股东权益对固定资产比率
- debt to assets ratio [经] 负债与资产比率
- DW: Preservation of asset ratios and so forth? 伟福:保持资产比率等等?
- But the sheer depth of funds means equity portfolio investment will account for some of the cash, possibly farmed out to asset managers. 但这些资金的金额之巨大,意味着一部分现金将投入股票组合投资,或许委托给资产管理公司。
- No debt guaranty shall be provided, either directly or indirectly, for the guaranteed objects with the ratio of liabilities to assets exceeding 70%. 不得直接或间接为资产负债率超过70%25的被担保对象提供债务担保。
- Conversion of industrial waste from liability to asset. 工业废料由废变益的转换。
- Also the IPO determinant for non-audit fee are receivables plus inventory to total assets ratio and profitability, while the non-IPO determinant is only the accounting firms. 而新上市公司之非审计公费决定因素为应收款项与存货、获利能力;
- On January 9th MBIA, the largest such insurer, said it will raise new equity to stave off a ratings downgrade. 1月9日,最大的债券保险商MBIA宣布将出售新股,以避免被评估公司降级。
- This paper discusses the audit fee and ratio of auditor fee to asset(ROF) from annual reports about the listed companies in Chian A-share market. 通过研究2001年、2002年我国证券市场A股年度财务报告审计费用、审计费用率得出:年报审计费用与资产规模显著正相关,审计费用率与资产规模显著负相关;
- Marketers use the term “touch equity” to describe the power of tactile packaging as a purchase motivator. 营销人员使用“触摸公平”来描述权力的触觉包装作为一个购买动力。
- You can casually let drop that you "had a look at the quick assets ratio of a few companies but although that seemed fine one cannot tell at the moment whether to buy on fundamentals or to be wary of :o the top look of the charts". 你可以随意地说:“看了几家公司的速动资产率,虽然看上去问题不大,但还是不能马上决定是根据公司的基本情况买股票呢,还是要留意曲线图上股价到顶的显示”。
- Deutsche Bank's securitisation team expects negative equity to peak at 48% of total homes by 2011. 德意志银行证券化小组预计2010年负产权的比例将达到峰值,占全部家庭房的48%25。
- owner's equity to total assets ratin [经] 业主资本对资产总额的比率
- The directors cannot declare a dividend that would cause total stockholders' equity to fall below the par value of the outstanding shares. 董事会不能宣布将导致股东权益总额低于发行在外股份票面价值的分红。
- The directors cannot declare a dividend that would cause total stockholders' equity to fall below the par.value of the outstanding shares. 董事会不能宣布将导致股东权益总额低于发行在外股份票面价值的分红。
- One potential problem: An independent GE Capital might need a lot more equity to convince investors that it can make it comfortably through the cycle. 但一个可能的问题是,独立的通用金融可能需要更多的股本,让投资者相信其能够安然度过当前的衰退。
- Procedural Posture: Mahon brings an action in equity to enjoin the coal company from mining under his house in such a way as to weaken its support. 程序:马宏提起衡平诉讼要求禁止公司开采他房子下的煤矿,因这将使得他的房基变弱。