- equation of time of abstracts 文摘时差
- Now come the question of time of shipment. 接下来是装运时间问题。
- Arranged in order of time of occurrence. 按时间发生顺序排列的
- Circle the length of time of your English study. 圈选个人学习英语的时间长度。
- We are running short of time of finish the job. 我们越来越没有时间完成这项工作。
- Numbers of time of giving commands in RPG or SLG. Turn:回合。RPG、SLG玩家(或玩家对手)下达指令的次数。
- A period of time of aftertime I will take studying as a lord. 今后一段时间我会以学习为主。
- The equation of time, which transforms the true solar time into a mean uniform time, the so-called mean solar time. 时差,将真太阳时转换为平时,即平太阳时。
- For two centuries, perhaps the rarest of watchmaking complications has been the equation of time. 继承了父亲的超强推理能力,被誉为高中生名侦探。
- Option to show a sundial with corrections for longitude, daylight savings time, and the equation of time. 选择显示,日晷与更正为经度,日光节约时间,和方程的时间。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- All the Chinese teachers overcame the difficult equation of time and have already put their heart into the busy but meaningful training. 接受培训的英语教师及时调整了时差,以饱满的热情投入到紧张有序的培训中。
- By applying the theory and method of Markov Skeleton Process,the instant distribution of limited time balance,and then the existent equation of probability of time are obtained. 用马尔可夫骨架过程的理论和方法;求得有限时间盈余的瞬时分布;再在几种特殊情况下得到其表达式.
- The inclination of the ecliptic results in the contribution of another sine wave variation with an amplitude of 9.87 minutes and a period of a half year to the equation of time. 黄道倾角的结果导致另一个半年为周期的正弦波变动效应,使均时差在半年的震荡达到9.;87分钟。
- It was a time of great tribulation. 那是一段充满苦难的时期。
- It's only a waste of time to speak to her. 和她说话纯粹是浪费时间。
- Have you made sure of the time of the train? 火车开车时间你搞清楚了吗?
- The equation of wealth with happiness can be dangerous. 把财富与幸福等同起来是很危险的
- You have lots of time to finish the work. 你有充裕的时间来完成这项工作。
- It's so changeable at this time of year. 这段时间天气变化无常。