- The expression on either side of an equality sign. 等式的边端等式两边之表达式之一
- Formulas always begin with an equal sign (=). 注意:公式总是以等号开头的(=)。
- The formula uses A1-style notation and begins with an equal sign. 该公式使用A1样式表示法并以等号开头。
- Please pay attention to the written form. Line up the equal sign s. 师:请注意书写格式,每算一步等号都要对齐。
- So she asked: "My feelings banknotes and be able to draw an equal sign? 于是她问:“我的感情能和钞票画等号吗?
- You cannot use an equal sign (=) or a comma (,) in a page name. Use another name. 页名中不可以使用等号 (=) 或逗号 (,)。请使用其他名称。
- A string consisting of the argument name, the equal sign, and a string representation of the argument value. 一个由参数名称、等号和参数值的字符串表示形式组成的字符串。
- In the Field list, click Direction, click the equal sign, and then click the lookup button. 在“字段”列表中,依次单击“方向”、等号和查找按钮。
- If you forget an equal sign it'll throw a parse error instead of just evaluating true and executing the statement. 如果你忘了写一个等号,它就会抛出分析异常,而不是仅仅执行true,执行这个句子。
- This is denoted by an operator followed by an equal sign, and is consistent with all the operators in the language (whenever it makes sense). 这是由等号前的一个运算符标记的,而且对于语言中的所有运算符都是固定的。
- This is denoted by an operator followed by an equal sign,and is consistent with all the operators in the language (whenever it makes sense). 这是由等号前的一个运算符标记的,而且对于语言中的所有运算符都是固定的。
- A statement asserting the equality of two expressions,usually written as a linear array of symbols that are separated into left and right sides and joined by an equal sign. 等式一个表明两个表达相等的陈述,通常写作一行符号并被等号分为左右两端。
- NOTE: If the equal sign is missing, Access tries to run a macro in the user's database rather than a function in the add-in database. 注意:如果等号后面是缺少,Access尝试在用户数据库而非函数在添加单元数据库中运行宏。
- Using more equals signs creates a subsection. 输入更多的“等于号”(=)可以创建更多下一级标题。
- Add the value on the right side of the equal sign to the current value that is contained in the variable on the left side of the equal sign. 将等号右侧的值添加到等号左侧的变量中包含的当前值。
- Class, you use it to store a set of key-value pairs in a file, where the key and value are separated by an equal sign, as shown in Listing 1. 类,那么现在告诉您它是用来在一个文件中存储键-值对的,其中键和值是用等号分隔的,如清单1所示。
- Unlike Menu Add-ins, an equal sign does not precede the function name and open and close parentheses should not follow the function name. 与菜单Add-ins,不等号不前面函数名并打开和关闭括号应该不按照函数名。
- In Haskell syntax, a function is whatever thing occurs to the left of an equal sign, and the definition is to the right of the equal sign. 在Haskell语法中,不管出现什么样的情况,函数出现在等号左边,定义出现在等号右边。
- When you set a Control Source property, the equal sign is required because it indicates an expression, not a field name, to Access. 设置“控件来源”属性时,需要使用等号向Access表示它是一个表达式,而不是字段名称。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。