- eolian sand ripple 风积沙波纹
- Results of these tests furnisha scientific basis for the use of eolian sand in engineering projects. 该试验结果将对风积砂的工程应用提供了一定的理论依据。
- More than 100 ESRdating experiments on the coastal eolian sand showed that most of their ESR agesare 10-70ka. 1992-1993年在渤、黄、东、南海沿岸采集的100余个风成沙样品ESR测年实验表明,绝大部分海岸风成沙的年龄为1-7万年。
- It has recommended suitable sampling grain size possible to get rid of eolian sand. 推荐消除风成沙影响的合理采样粒级;
- In West China,there is a great abundance of eolian sand in vest expanses of desert. 我国西部地区沙漠分布广泛,富产风积砂。
- The eastern part of Changle and Haitan Island are the two major eolian sand regions in Fujiau Province. 长乐东部和海坛岛是福建省的主要风沙分布区,风成沙是重要的自然资源。
- The engineering properties and the practically properties of eolian sand are summed up systemically. 系统总结了兵团垦区风积沙垫层施工适用的机械及组合;
- Quartz and feldspar are the main components in the eolian sand, but there is some proximal lithoclast in the coarse grain. 风成沙中主要颗粒成分为石英长石,但偏粗粒级混有一定比例近源岩屑;
- Occasionally,when mining area occurs in the source area of eolian sand,the indicator element content obviously increases. Hg则从粗向细粒级含量逐渐增高,中间变化很小。 但在风成沙来源地有矿区存在时,则出现相应元素的明显升高。
- In addition,tests are made for the analysis of the character of interface friction between eolian sand and geogrids,which offers a good help for. 本文还通过试验分析了风积砂与土工格栅的界面摩擦特性,为风积砂在加筋工程中的应用提供了一定的依据。
- Desertification and Eolian Sand Physics: main focuses are eolian sand physics and wind-erodion mechanism of soil, desertification processes, land deserttification controlling. 沙漠化与风沙物理:主要方向有风沙物理与土壤风蚀;沙漠化过程;沙漠化治理。
- CHEN Zhong-da,LI Wan-peng.Vibratory Parameters and Vibratory Compacting Mechanism of Eolian Sand[J].Journal of Chang'an University:Natural Science Edition,2007,27 (1):1-6. [2]陈忠达;李万鹏.;风积沙振动参数及振动压实机理[J]
- Based on the analysis of compaction property about eolian sand,this paper makes an approach to the influential mechanism of water content on eolian sand compaction. 在对风积沙压实特性进行分析的基础上,探讨了含水量对风积沙压实影响的机理。
- Progress in aeolian sand ripple research-A review 风成沙纹的研究进展
- Desertification and Eolian Sand Physics: main focuses are eolian sand physics and wind-erodion mechanism of soil, desertification processes,land deserttification controlling. 4. 沙漠化治理。4.;高原大气物理研究:主要方向有高原气候与环境动力学;
- Experimental Study on the Sand Ripple Formation 明渠沙纹形成的试验研究
- Western Kunlun area locates in the area of eolian sand accumulation in China, and the granularity of eolian sand is smaller than that of the other areas. 摘要西昆仑地区地处中国风成沙的沉降区,与其它区相比较,风成沙粒级偏细。
- In the stream sediment, the content of elements appears obvious difference at the boundary line of 80-mesh granularity, and the content of elements (-80 mesh) is obviously disturbed by eolian sand. 水系沉积物中,元素含量以80目级为界出现明显差异,-80目粒级元素含量明显受到风成沙干扰。
- This paper presented the difference of eolian sand soil physico-chemi cal properties, soil microorganisms and soil enzymes between stabilised sand dun es and drifting sand dune and their deveolopment trend. 本文概述了人工植被下风沙土与流沙的理化性质、生物、壤酶的差异及其演变趋势。
- A Coupled Map Lattice Model for Sand Ripple Formation 沙波纹生成的耦合映射格子模型