- enzymes that ferment tobacco 使烟草发酵的酶
- Any of several enzymes that hydrolyze lecithin. 卵磷脂酶任一种能够水解卵磷脂的酶
- Fruits secrete enzymes that help fight acne. 水果分泌酵素,帮助扑灭痤疮。
- Any of various enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of an ester. 酯酶几种不同的酵素,能对酯的水解起到催化作用
- Hirudoid forte inhibit enzymes that cause tissue degeneration. 特强喜疗妥乳膏能抑制导致组织分解代谢的酶。
- Any of various enzymes that hydrolize the carboxyl radical. 脱羧酶酶的一种,可水解羧基酸。
- Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze transamination. 转氨酶一种能引起氨基转移作用的酶
- Hirudoid/Hirudoid forte inhibit enzymes that cause tissue degeneration. 喜疗妥乳膏/特强喜疗妥乳膏能抑制导致组织分解代谢的酶。
- In neurons, calcium activates enzymes that produce neurotransmitters. 而在神经元,钙离子会活化产生神经传递物的酵素。
- Pasteur's work showed that fermentations are "vital processes". 巴斯德的研究说明了发酵是“生命过程。”
- Hirudoid/ Hirudoid forte inhibit enzymes that cause tissue degeneration. 喜疗妥乳膏/强喜疗妥乳膏能抑制导致组织分解代谢的酶。
- An enzyme that catalyzes genetic recombination. 催化重级酶能催化基因重组的一种酶
- An enzyme that promotes the passage of a substance across a cell membrane. 透性酶激活另一种物质穿透细胞膜的一种酶
- Lactic acid bacteria A group of bacteria that ferment carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen, with lactic acid always a major end product, e.g. 乳酸菌:一类能在缺氧条件下利用糖类物质发酵产生乳酸的细菌。
- Presumably, the influx in glial cells would also activate enzymes that would marshal a response. 钙离子流入神经胶细胞大概也会活化能引起反应的酵素。
- Any of various rod-shaped,nonmotile aerobic bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus that ferment lactic acid from sugars and are the causative agents in the souring of milk. 乳酸杆菌,任一种杆状的乳杆菌属的不游动好氧菌,它能使糖发酵产生乳酸,也是牛奶发酸的导因。
- A drug used in the treatment of hypertension that functions by inhibiting the enzymes that activate angiotensin. 卡普多普瑞尔一种用于治疗高血压的药物,该药通过抑制激活高血压素的酶起作用
- Any of various rod-shaped, nonmotile aerobic bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus that ferment lactic acid from sugars and are the causative agents in the souring of milk. 乳酸杆菌任一种杆状的乳杆菌属的不游动好氧菌,它能使糖发酵产生乳酸,也是牛奶发酸的导因
- An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of maltose to glucose. 麦芽糖酶一种用以催化麦芽糖水解成葡萄糖的酶
- The pancreas and small intestine also produce enzymes that break down food into small particles. 胰和小肠也产生酶,把食物分解成细小的微粒。