- environmetal NGO 环保NGO
- Does the NGO have any sustainable income? 是否有任何的可持续收入?
- How can your NGO help the local community? 你的NGO对当地社区起到怎样的帮助作用?
- What does NGO Capacity Building Involve? 非营利组织怎样着手进行能力开发?
- Topic: Should NGO engage with the business world? 主题:“NGO应否与商业世界合作?”
- But NGO is somewhat a brand new subject to China. 然而,现代NGO对于中国而言又是一个比较陌生的课题。
- This is a first NGO in Dege County, also the second in Ganze state. 这是德格县第一个NGO,也是甘孜州第二个非政府非营利组织。
- NGO based the American state of Colorado, is working to save lives. 一个位于美国科罗拉多州的NGO正努力挽救生命。
- The ducting of NGO contribute to perfecting social security system. 非政府组织(NGO)的导入有助于我国社会保障体系的完善。
- Third, the animadversion on the temporary NGO in China. 三、对当代中国非政府组织的检讨。
- The titania photocatalysts have been research quartern century. It has characteristic of photocatalysis which is excellent performance of environmetal cleanup. 二氧化钛光触媒已发展了25年,它具有光催化的特性,是一非常出色的环境清净的光触媒。
- Is your organization interested in sponsoring an NGO in a developing country? 贵机构是否有兴趣赞助某发展中国家的一个非政府组织?
- To adopt UN system criteria regarding NGO acceptance and accreditation. 采用联合国系统有关非政府组织的认可和核准与会标准。
- In different environmet of person, time and space, the movement has its using rule of "shanglai" or "shangqu" with regard to different viewpoint. 在不同的人称及时空条件下,不同的运动方式相对于不同的视点角度时,“上来、上去”的使用规律不一样。
- This is the first NGO in Dege County.Also the second NGO in Ganze Prefecture. 这是德格县第一个NGO,也是甘孜州第二个非政府非营利组织。
- These results are useful for the investigation for the extinction time of branching processes in random environmet. 这此结果对研究随机环境中分枝链的灭绝时是有帮助的。
- Future Generations is an NGO working to ensure a sustainable future for China. 新一代研究院是一个致力于中国可持续发展未来的非政府组织。
- Mcmichael AJ, et al.port pirie cohort study:Environmet exposure to lead children ability at the age of four years . 沈晓明.;产前铅暴露对婴儿发育影响的研究。
- This work is part of the dossier concerning NGO influence in the WTO. 本文是“WTO中NGO的影响”研究档案的一部分。
- Dynamic: The NGO Panel is part of the official agenda of the Assembly. 动态:非政府组织小组会议是大会官方议程之一。