- Core SX97:Climatic and Environmental Changes Since 7 000 a B.P. and Drainage Responses (珠江口SX97孔7 000 a B.
- Other environmental changes are likely to alter the ratio between proliferation and differentiation of cells. 其它环境因素的变化也能改变细胞增殖分化间的比率。
- Living creatures must be adaptable to environmental change. 生物必须能适应环境的变化。
- Plants are regarded as good indicators as they are sensitive to climatic and environmental changes. 植物作为气候环境变化的敏感指示物,能够提供许多有价值的气候环境变化信息,通过保存在地层中的植物化石和孢粉研究第三纪气候和环境变化已成为当今国际上的重要研究领域。
- Drastic environmental changes compelled all animals to adapt and readapt themselves continually to new conditions. 剧烈的环境变化迫使动物持续不断地调整自身,以适应新的生存条件。
- According to the paleomagnetic stratigraphy, the core recorded the environmental changes in the past 1.77 Myrs. 据古地磁定年的结果,本岩芯可记录鄂霍次克海中央过去约一百七十七万年来的环境变迁。
- A very smooth paper, its environmental changes, paper will be in the air and moisture absorption or dewetting. 一张不一不合缝隙的纸张,其所处境况不收生改变时,纸张会在氛围洋吸干或脱干。
- As a result ,minor environmental changes do not disturb us from our state of slumber . 因此,轻微的变化是不会干扰我们的睡眠状态的。
- Environmental change has already set off some migration. 环境的变化已开始引发部分人口迁移了。
- It acts as a buffer against harmful environmental change. 它可作为缓冲来对抗有害的环境变化。
- Specific evolvement is greatly up to the environmental change. 种的进化很大程度上取决于环境的改变。
- Because it worked for so long, it was able to track environmental changes through many annual cycles. 因为它的工作时间如此之长,所以它可以通过许多年度的循环来跟踪火星上的环境变化。
- Agriculture becomes less able to adapt to environmental changes, such as global warming or the appearance of new pests and diseases. 农业变得越来越不能适应环境的变化,如全球变暖或新型病虫害的出现。
- That may not sound like much, but it could trigger major environmental changes that affect everyone on the planet, especially the poor and hungry. 这看起来好像不多,但是它会引发重大环境变化,影响地球上每一个人,特别是贫困和饥饿的人。
- Epiphytes are important components in tropical and subtropical forest ecosystems, and are well-known for their sensitivity to environmental changes. 作为热带、亚热带地区森林生态系统中重要组成成分之一的附生植物, 对环境变化尤为敏感。
- Secondly, biodiversity is the material base of ecosystem for its ability in resisting disturbances and in adapting to environmental changes. 其次,生物多样性是生态系统抗干扰能力、恢复能力及适应环境变化能力的物质基础。
- The monsters and environmental changes within the game are very sharp, but the title does suffer from some odd filters, shadows and framerate dips. 本作给人的感觉类似于一篇外传,而非正统续作。归途在恐怖的表现力上没有达到该系列以往的完美效果。
- People should be mentally easeful, broad-minded and optimistic so that the yang qi inside the body and the outside environmental changes maintained. 做到心情舒畅,心胸开阔,情绪乐观,使体内阳气得以疏发,保持与外界环境变化的协调和谐。
- Broad global feedbacks that either stabilize or destabilize the earth's environment will be explored, in the context of environmental change in the recent geological past, and in the near future. 或者稳定或者使地球的环境不稳定的宽的全球反馈将被探索, 鉴于在新近地质过去方面的环境变化,和不久。
- The spores are resistant to environmental changes, withstand dry heat and certain chemical disinfectants for moderate periods, and persist for years in dry earth. 对干热和某些化学消毒剂有中等抵抗力,可在干的土壤中存活数年。