- environment vulnerable groups 环境弱势群体
- environment vulnerable group 环境弱势群体
- How does the UN defend vulnerable groups in society? 联合国如何保护社会中的弱势群体?
- Our greatest concern must always rest with disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. 我们最关切的始终必须是弱势和处于不利环境的群体。
- Our goal is to improve home and personal safety for this very vulnerable group. 我们的目标是改善这群脆弱人士的家居及个人安全。
- The UN also conducts international campaigns to raise global awareness of the problems affecting vulnerable groups. 联合国还发起国际运动,在全球提高人们对影响弱势群体的问题的认识。
- Share best practice in diabetes education, prevention and care that targets disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. 与糖尿病弱势群体分享最好的教育、预防和治疗手段。
- The inequity in health care policy and medical practice mainly involves vulnerable groups. 我国医疗保健服务中受到不公平对待的主要是弱势群体 ,这种不公平有来自政策层面的 ,也有来自各种医疗保健服务实践环节的。
- Peasant workers are vulnerable groups for the segregation from occupation and the policy and system mismatching. 农民工属于弱势群体,根源于职业和身份的分离以及政策和制度的错位。
- Nowadays, the vulnerable groups are the groups who have been on the verge in the market competition. 现阶段我国的弱势群体是在市场竞争中被边缘化的群体,是市场经济发展的必然产物。
- Protecting vulnerable groups is an unshirkable responsibility of the government. 弱势群体保护是政府义不容辞的责任。
- Milk.Unpasteurized milk, milk products, juice can be risky for vulnerable groups of patients and should be avoided. 何谓“食品安全”食品安全包括生产“安全食品”所必需的所有行为。
- The UN and its agencies protect vulnerable groups,like children,refugees,displaced persons,minorities,indigenous people and the disabled. 联合国及其机构保护弱势群体,如儿童、难民、流离失所者、少数民族、土著居民和残疾人。
- So the whole society should care vulnerable groups, try every means to help them solve actual difficulty, and make them extricate themselves from a predicament gradually. 因此,全社会都应该关心弱势群体,想方设法帮助他们解决实际困难,使他们逐渐摆脱困境。
- The impacts of insecure access to land have particularly been very devastating for vulnerable groups such as women, migrants, and landless youth. 对于妇女、外流人口和无地青年等弱势群体来说,土地获得无保障尤其导致了破坏性的影响。
- She posted a new topic on this forum and many others, calling on the whole society to show concern for the benefits of the social vulnerable groups. 她在这个论坛上和许多别的论坛上广发帖子,呼吁全社会关注弱势群体的利益。
- The Government has continued to offer extra help to enhance the employability of the more vulnerable groups in the community. 政府继续提供额外支援,提高本港弱势团体的就业能力。
- Under the circumstances of market economy,libraries are affected greatly and shown in an inadaptable situation when serving the vulnerable groups. 图书馆同样也受到社会转型中市场经济的冲击,在为弱势群体服务时表现出不相适应的态势。
- In China, migrant workers is a huge number but very vulnerable groups, is the country"s political stability, and development of an important force. 在我国,农民工是一个数量庞大但又十分弱势的群体,是我国政治稳定与发展中的一支重要力量。
- Disappearance of gratitude consciousness is a serious problem existing in the development of urban teenagers' vulnerable groups. 摘要感恩意识缺失是城镇青少年弱势群体发展过程中存在的一个比较严重的问题。