- Membership is open to all those who subscribe to the aims of the Association. There is no entry qualification. 凡按协会要求缴纳会费的任何人均可入会,没有任何入会资格限制。
- If the result does not reach the entry qualification, students can study in the one-year preparatory class in Hong Kong (Chu Hai College) or in Taiwan. 倘若成绩未符合入读大学要求的,亦可能获安排先入读大学先修班,一年后成绩若达到需求,便能直接升上大学。大学先修班可在香港的珠海书院修读或直接到台湾修读。
- The Government has also accepted the holders of Project Yi Jin course completion certificates in appointments to over 30 civil service grades which require an entry qualification of five passes (including Chinese and English) in the HKCEE. 政府亦会在三十多个公务员职系招聘人手时,接受获得毅进计划毕业证书的人士应征,这些职系都要求应征者于中学会考取得五科(包括中、英文科)及格的成绩。
- DDP featured substantial local fund injections into five District councils, conditional upon their satisfaction of basic entry qualification criteria, including financial accounting and committee scrutiny. 领地发展项目的特点是,根据对包括财务会计和委员会审查在内的基本资格标准的达标情况,向五个领地理事会注入大量地方资金。
- There are no entry qualifications to participate in the standardization process. 标准化过程中没有什么准入资格。
- Through our efforts, we now have access to become a Bechtel project in Iraq's reconstruction suppliers and subcontractors of the entry qualifications. 通过努力,现在我们已经获得成为贝克特尔伊拉克重建项目的供货商和分包商的入门资格。
- Applicants who meet the entry qualifications will be invited to attend a Selection Test at the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Headquarters, No.12 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay. 符合条件的申请人,将获邀参加在九龙湾宏照道12号香港辅警总部举行的甄选评核试。
- Analysis of the Case of Entry Qualification Forging from the Perspective of Administrative Law 报考硕士资格造假案的行政法思考
- I can recommend him without qualification. 我可以毫无保留地推荐他。
- He has applied for an entry visa. 他已申请入境签证。
- There's no entry in his diary for that day. 他的日记上没有那一天的记录。
- In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step. 在批处理或远程批处理输入中的一个作业或作业步。
- You can leave your umbrella in the entry. 雨伞可放在入口处。
- The entry of the cave was hidden by trees. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。
- The people without a ticket are denied entry. 没有票的人不许入内。
- Rule out that entry in the ledger, the transaction was cancelled. 那项交易已取消了,请从分类帐上划去那笔帐目。
- entry qualification 入学资格
- Being without exception or qualification; absolute. 绝对的没有例外或限制的; 绝对的
- There's a large entry for the flower show this year. 今年的花展有大量花卉参展。
- The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified. 把他的政策称为保守主义是有道理的。