- Do not connect directly in a power supply socket or in a vehicle's cigarette entry port. 不要使用没有保险的插座和车载点烟器电源。
- If the co ignor needs to claim compe ation agai t others, it may a ly for i uance of the relevant certificates with the i ection and quarantine body of the entry port. 货主需要对外索赔的,可以向进境口岸检验检疫机构申请签发相关证书。
- For door seals, entry ports, cable ports etc. Silicon is partly used, which in most cases is tempered. 在门密封、引线孔、电缆孔等处采用硅橡胶,大多数情况硅橡胶是温和的。
- He has applied for an entry visa. 他已申请入境签证。
- Our ship left port and headed out to sea. 我们的船离开港口向大海驶去。
- There's no entry in his diary for that day. 他的日记上没有那一天的记录。
- What's your port of entry [exit]? 你在哪儿人[出]境?
- In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step. 在批处理或远程批处理输入中的一个作业或作业步。
- The lights in the harbour guided the ship to port. 海港的灯引导船只进入港口。
- We went ashore when the boat reached the port. 船一靠港我们就上岸了。
- The port of Dover is England's gateway to Europe. 多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门。
- The small port has developed into a big city. 该小港市已发展成为一个大城市。
- You can leave your umbrella in the entry. 雨伞可放在入口处。
- What's your port of entry (exit)? 你在哪儿入境(出境)?
- Ships must follow the channel into the port. 船只必须沿航道进入港口。
- The entry of the cave was hidden by trees. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。
- The people without a ticket are denied entry. 没有票的人不许入内。
- London used to be Britain's largest port. 伦敦过去是英国最大的港口城市。
- Rule out that entry in the ledger, the transaction was cancelled. 那项交易已取消了,请从分类帐上划去那笔帐目。
- He navigated the ship to a safe port. 他将船驶进一个安全的港口。