- The model is theoretically based on the entropy maximization model and the user equilibrium assignment model, and a concise procedure for a TIA is provided from it. 本模式以最大熵模式和使用者均衡指派模式为基础,发展出一套简明的基地开发交通量冲击评估程序。
- Application of entropy maximization model for estimating OD trip matrices 由路段交通流量反估出行OD矩阵技术的应用
- Linear Lane Mark Identification and Track Method Based on Entropy Maximization Edge Extraction 基于熵最大化边缘提取的直线型车道标识线识别及跟踪方法
- "Waste not, want not" is her favorite maxim. “不浪费则不匮乏”是她特别喜爱的格言。
- "Waste not, want not" is a popular maxim. "勤俭节约,吃穿不缺"是一条盛行的座右铭。
- Maxim seems to be particularly fond of her. 马西姆似乎特别喜欢她。
- entropy maximization 熵最大化
- A terse, witty, instructive saying; a maxim. 格言,箴言,警句简洁、机智、有教导性的话; 警句
- The entropy density is constant ahead of the shock. 冲击波前方的熵密度是恒定的。
- Without change in entropy;at constant entropy. 等熵的没有熵的变化的;恒熵的
- This was a maxim well understood by Turloch. 这是特洛克心领神会的格言。
- The mechanics of entropy are a matter of chance. 熵的构成是一个机遇问题。
- In the business world, entropy rules. 在商业世界中,无序状态主宰一切。
- Strike while the iron is hot is a maxim. 趁热打铁是一句格言。
- Entropy is chaos. It is loss of purpose. 熵就是混乱,熵就是目的的丧失。
- Entropy is not inevitable everywhere, however. 但是,熵并不是无法避免的。
- We managed to reserve a table at Maxim's. 我们成功地在马克希姆斯预定了一张桌子。
- That's why entropy is depressing. 这就是为什么熵让人灰心丧气的原因。
- Shanghai Group Entropy IT Co. Ltd. 版权保留。上海群熵信息技术有限公司。
- Estimated by Crop Maximization Project. 由作物最高产量计划估计。