- Performance Evaluation on Enterprise Tax Planning 企业税收筹划的绩效评估
- Analyze the Enterprise Tax Planning 浅谈企业税务筹划
- The methods of enterprise tax planning 企业税收筹划策略
- enterprises tax planning 企业税务筹划
- On Strategic Management System Construction of Enterprise Tax Planning 论企业税收筹划战略管理体系的构建
- The committee will study the tax plan thoroughly. 该委员会将彻底核查这份税收计划。
- Discussion on Scientific Research Enterprise Tax Planning After Changing System 浅谈转制后科研企业的税务筹划
- Financial Management and Tax Planning? 四、财务管理及税务策划?
- First, the new tax planning funu significance. 一、新中乳腐税收筹划的意义。
- The committee will study the tax plan thoroughly . 该委员会将彻底核查这份税收计划。
- Tax Planning impersonate in the severalty link of the taxpayer abearance course, piercing through in the enterprises decision-making all the time . 税务筹划在企业运行中处于举足轻重的地位,因此它是企业决策不可或缺的前提。
- Optimize the company tax solution by proper tax planning. 负责制定公司最优纳税解决方案。
- Tax planning is lased on the taxpayers' point of view. 摘要纳税筹划是基于纳税人角度的税收筹划。
- Voters are telling the Congress to shove its new tax plan. 选举人让国会把新税法报废。
- In the environment of market economy, the aim of enterprises is to reduce cost and increasing benefit, and the tax planning is one of the way to achieve this goal. 摘要在市场经济环境下,降低成本、增加效益始终是每一个企业所追求的既定目标,而税务筹划是实现这一目标的有效手段之一。
- The ability of CPA-lawyers to analyze finance data can help the enterprises actualize legal and safe tax planning as well as help CPA-lawyers get a cautious professional estimate. 财税律师对财务数据的阅读能力,不仅有助于作出审慎的专业判断,更有助于帮助企业实现合法、安全的财税规划。
- Enterprise tax avoidance and government countermeasure II. 企业避税与政府对策2。
- Voters are telling the Congress to shove its new tax plan. 选举人让国会把新税法报废。
- The difficulty to accomplish and outdo the tax plan in 2000 is very large. 完成和超额完成2000年税收收入计划难度是很大的。
- The way Mr Obama describes his opponent's tax plans is also deft. 奥巴马解说他对手的税收计划时,用词也十分巧妙。