- enterprise profit drawing 企业利润的提取
- The faithful cus-tomers are the tremendous wealth, 80 % enterprise profit is created by 20 % faithful customers. 忠诚的客户是企业巨大的财富,企业80%25的利润是由20%25的忠诚客户创造的。
- Also only then the enterprise profit, the common people income increases, expends can come up finally. 也只有企业盈利,百姓收入增加,消费才能最终上来。
- Independent or decentralized data and information will be swallowed up by the enterprise profit black hole. 独立或分散的数据和信息会成为吞噬企业利润的黑洞。
- Developing textile and garment industry logistics has active impact on increasing enterprise profit and its competition ability. 发展纺织服装行业物流对于增加企业利润、提升竞争力,具有积极的意义。
- When the domestic economy growth decelerates, the enterprise profit slides is obvious, the bank loan will be only more discrete, the massive funds will flow to the debt city. 在国内经济增长减速、企业盈利下滑明显之时,银行贷款只会更加谨慎,大量的资金将流向债市。
- Under the condition of financial system of “overall revenue, overall disburse”, interest of local governments have nothing to do with the enterprise profit in its district. 在实施“统收统支”的财政体制下,地方政府的利益与所辖区域内企业效益没有直接关系。
- In recent years, customer resources become important impersonate of the enterprise compete ability, and the value customer resource is the indemnity of the enterprise profit. 近年来,客户资源成为企业竞争力的重要体现,价值客户资源是企业盈利的保障,对价值客户的争夺已经成为各个行业竞争和发展的新方向。
- If taking into account the recent surge in international oil prices, it is estimated that these ocean shipping enterprise profit growth will certainly decline. 如果再算上近期国际油价的大幅攀升,估计这些远洋运输企业的利润增速将肯定下降。
- Considering the relationship between customer satisfaction and enterprise profit, a 0-1 mix integer programming model is proposed in echelon supply chain. 基于客户满意度和企业利润这对矛盾,建立了一个层级供应链0-1混合整数规划模型。
- By customer relationship management, enterprise can cut down the cost of production effectively, excavate the enormous profit that was ignored by enterprise for a long time, and improve enterprise profit and competiton capacity. 通过客户关系管理,企业可以有效降低成本,挖掘长期以来被企业所忽视的巨大利润金矿,大幅度提升企业盈利水平和竞争能力。
- How to move from stable administration to volatile enterprise profitability? 如何从按部就班转变到随机应变,创造利润?
- Such changes in cash flow are attributable to a particular risk related to a recognized asset or liability or a highly probable forecast transaction and could affect enterprise' profit or loss. 该类现金流量变动源于与已确认资产或负债、很可能发生的预期交易有关的某类特定风险,且将影响企业的损益。
- Merely speaking of the financial data, knowledge employees brain drain is concealing the astonishing cost and harm to the company profit, and has the huge internal friction to the enterprise profit. 仅仅就财务数据而言,流动暗藏着惊人的成本和对公司利润的损害,对企业利润产生巨大的内耗。
- Pigou tax can internalize externalities so that the social Pareto optimal can be linked with the object of the enterprises' profit maximization. 当外部性导致市场失灵时,政府则通过征税的方式消减外部性的影响。为了分析政府行为(征税)在代际间的效果,可以在世代交叠模型中引入资源税。
- Abstract: A great part of state-owned enterprises’ profit is from monopoly in essential, and the undistributed profit is free cash flow which is controlled by managers. 内容提要 大部分国有企业利润本质上是垄断利润,国有企业未分配利润是国有企业管理者支配的富余现金流量。
- enterprise profit partly reserved 企业利润留成
- Not good point of view hindrance enterprise profit 不良心态妨碍企业盈利
- He embarked on a new enterprise. 他着手创办新企业。
- The location and distribution of service stations must be seriously studied in an effort to maximize the enterprises profit and social benefit, and avoiding extravagance of social resources. 在加油站的建设选址及加油站的布置密度上一定要加以认真研究,使企业利益和社会效益最大化,避免社会资源的巨大浪费。