- There are many diversities in enterprise innovation strategy choice which is high risk in different ownership and governance structure. 摘要在不同的所有权和治理结构下,企业创新作为一个高风险的战略选择存在很大的差异。
- Tacit knowledge is the wellspring of enterprises' innovation. 隐性知识是企业创新的源头。
- Core rigidity would be obstacle for enterprise innovation, so that result in the lost of continuous competitive advantage and finally worsen the performance. 在内外环境发生变化时,它会阻碍企业创新,使企业失去持续的竞争优势,并最终导致企业绩效的不断恶化。
- Fundamentally speaking, the accumulation of difficult employment in these years is caused by the slowness and tardiness of enterprise innovation and extension of core employment. 从根本上说,这些年就业困难的积累是企业创新和核心就业扩展缓慢的严重滞后所导致的。
- The dissertation formed the framework of RIS, established the feedback cause and effect model of enterprise innovation, and analyzed the status of enterprise in RIS theoretically. 本文构建了区域创新体系结构图,建立了企业创新活动反馈因果结构模型,从理论上对企业在区域创新体系中的地位进行了分析。
- Refer innovates, plum Yan Hong says: "Enterprise innovation needs more combinative Internet to undertake. 谈及创新,李彦宏说:“企业创新需要更多的结合互联网来进行。”
- PwC believes that the results reflect the position of the medical outsourcing industry changing, as well as the characteristics of high-end enterprise innovation is the outsourcing trend.. 普华永道认为,结果反映的立场,医疗外包产业变化,以及特点的高端企业创新是外包的趋势。
- Insights on Markets, Stive for Excellence, Hearts with Enterprise Innovations! 洞悉市场,追求卓越,心系万千企业!
- RIS is a bridge between National Innovation System (NIS) and Enterprise Innovation System (EIS), and a powerful guarantee to accelerate the technological development and economy increase of a region. 区域创新系统是国家创新系统与企业创新系统之间的桥梁,是区域科技进步与经济增长的有力保证。
- Management innovation is fundamental to enterprise innovation, and innovative management is fundamental to the modern-enterprise competitiveness. 管理创新是企业创新的基础,创新型管理是现代企业竞争力的根本。
- But tacit knowledge management, only when closely connected with market demands, can fully play its role in enterprises' innovation. 而隐性知识管理只有与市场需求紧密联系才能在企业创新中发挥最大作用。
- Throughout creatively satisfies thecustomer by the enterprising innovation spirit and the high socialsense of responsibility to the product diverse demand. 始终以进取创新的精神和高度的社会责任感创造性地满足客户对产品的多样化需求。
- It is necessary to comply with a logical mainline and build up a key theory in the research on enterprises’ innovation during the change of institution. 由于制度变迁中的企业创新研究是一个内涵深邃、外延广袤的课题,涉及的范围广,影响的因素多,如果缺少一条清晰的逻辑主线和核心的理论支撑,很容易流于浅尝辄止、泛泛而谈。
- state-owned enterprise innovation 围有企业改革
- He embarked on a new enterprise. 他着手创办新企业。
- Innovation is the headspring of enterprises being increasing, and enterprises' innovation capability is organic integration of systematic innovation、technique innovation and managerial innovation. 摘要创新是企业增长的源泉,企业的创新能力是制度创新、技术创新、管理创新的有机集成。
- Beware of all enterprise that require new clothes. 凡是要求有新衣服的计划,都得加以提防。
- He works in a private enterprise. 他在一家私人企业工作。
- Plan is killing free enterprise. 规划扼杀自由经营。
- The enterprise collapsed through lack of support. 该企业因无力支持而倒闭。