- The autotransmit belt made by our factory ensures smooth transmission and assures your satisfaction. 本厂生产的自动传送带,传送灵活,包您满意。
- ensure smooth transmission 传送灵活
- Participate project meeting to ensure smooth running of projects. 参与项目工程会议,确保项目顺利进行。
- Support activities with all departments to ensure smooth storewide operations. 营造一个团结合作的氛围,支持店内所有部门的工作。
- The reconstruction of these four trunk highways designed to ensure smooth highway transportation began last year. 四条公路的整治、改建工程已于1991年全面展开。
- Even for companies with multicast-enabled networks,there is a lack of management tools to ensure smooth operation. 甚至对拥有允许多播的网络的公司来说,也缺乏保证顺畅运行的管理工具。
- The machines are driven by hydraulic power with smooth transmission and their speed can be adjusted steplessly. 本机床采用液压传动,工作平稳,能无级调速,并有超负荷保险装置。
- SS series of centrifugal dehydrator,large capacity,good drying effect,smooth transmission and easy to handle. SS系列离心脱水机,脱水率高,容量大,选用优质不锈钢制成。
- Ensure smooth DCS, PLC, instrument equipment operation, reduce down times as much as possible. 确保自控系统的运转正常,降低停机率.
- The strategic expressway system to Lantau and North-West New Territories needs to be carefully managed to ensure smooth traffic flow. 为使这个通往大屿山和新界西北部的快速公路网保持交通畅顺,完善的管理是必不可少的。
- Monitor and improve worker's performance and production efficiency to ensure smooth and efficient production. 有效督导并改善操作工的绩效和生产,以保证生产有效性;
- XPG series of industrial washing machine,time-controlled,large capacitoy,good-cleaning effect ,smooth transmission and easy to handle. XPG型系列工业洗衣机,自动定时、运转平稳、洗净率高、容量大、选用优质不锈钢制成。
- Ensure smooth running of the various groups within the Quality Assurance function. 确保品质部门的日常工作运行良好。
- Manage and lead the purchasing team to ensure smooth materials supply to Production. 领导及管理采购团队及时准确供应材料,保障生产平稳进行。
- Involutes cylindrical worm and wheel drive can achieve a big drive ratio, and smooth transmission, has less noise , and it can also be made self-locking when necessary. 渐开线圆柱蜗杆蜗轮传动可以实现大传动比,工作平稳,噪声小,可以做成自锁。
- Provide trouble-shootings on a daily basis to ensure smooth operation of furnaces. 提供基于日常的有关机器故障及解决方法以确保炉子运行顺利。
- Test events will be conducted to ensure smooth operation; and all services will be available. 组织工作、安全保卫工作以及各项服务工作全部就绪。
- Even for companies with multicast-enabled networks, there is a lack of management tools to ensure smooth operation. 甚至对拥有允许多播的网络的公司来说,也缺乏保证顺畅运行的管理工具。
- The optical image stabilization system is very useful to ensure smooth framing when filming at longer focal lengths. 光学图像稳定系统是非常有益的,以确保可顺利诬陷,当拍摄更长的焦距。
- The drafting gears are machined with procedure of grinding to ensure smoothness and low noise transmission of drive-power, improve the quality of spinning. 主要传动齿轮均经过磨削加工,传递平稳,噪音小,提高纺纱质量。