- Many new things will occupy your new and enlightened thinking process. 许多新的事物将占领你的新的和被启发的思考程序。
- It is clear that we cannot expect too much in the way of progressive or enlightened thinking from these reactionary authors. 很显然的,我们不能从这些食古不化的作家中期待进步跟启发性的想法。
- Abai Kunanbaiyefuand His Cultural Enlightenment Thinking 阿拜·库南拜耶夫及其文化启蒙思想
- Hermione Granger is working to bring enlightened thinking to the house-elves at Hogwarts, so far with very little success. 赫敏.;格兰杰为给霍格沃茨的家养小精灵带来启迪工作着,目前为止几乎没有成功。
- I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大多数都是可以克服的。
- How can I enlighten your wooden head? 我怎么才能让你这木头疙瘩开窍呢?
- I think so; in fact, I am quite sure. 我想如此,事实上我非常确信。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- democratic enlightenment thought 民主启蒙思想
- I need some time to orient my thinking. 我需要一些时间来使我的思想适应。
- Can you enlighten me on this issue? 你能否在这个问题上指点我一番?
- Can you enlighten me on this subject? 关于这个问题,你能指点我一下吗?
- I think this gargle will relieve your sore throat. 我看这含漱剂可以治你的喉痛。
- Do you think you can climb that steep cliff? 你以为你能爬上那座悬崖峭壁吗?
- It is a nice song and I think it will catch on quickly. 这首歌很好,我想它会很快流行起来。
- In an age of enlightenment such cruelty is unforgivable. 在文明时代,这麽残忍是不能宽恕的。
- I think that all rapists should be strung up. 我认为所有的强奸犯都应该被绞死。
- Thus the impasse of enlightened thought when asked, should one censure pornography and choose a well-tempered repression? 因此,当被要求时,开明想法的僵局是否应该责难色情文学,以一种良好的心态去抑制?
- I think it my duty to serve the people. 我认为为人民服务是我的责任。